Kingdoms at War - 02/18/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. I want to see prove of this new system I have lost my trust to you devs unless I see prove I am not spending another cent
  2. I completely understand the simplicity of your statement, but understand this...

    Matching a "clan" up with another "clan" (not player vs player) is not as simple as you say. There is always going to be an uneven matchup. Always. It's not an issue with programming, it’s a difference in evenly matched clans. If you hand selected the clans as you say, to perfectly match clans up, it still wouldn't be even.

    No, of course I am not saying that bigger players should always win. I know of quite a few huge accounts that have no idea how to fight. I thoroughly love pinning bigger accounts. But I have been around long enough to see the veteran players have many perks of their time playing KAW somewhat evaporated to accommodate the newer players. Which is wrong IMO.

    And again, a "fair matching system" cannot work PvP, because you are matching clans, not people.

    This is your opinion.

    See, the majority of KAW seems to think ATA developers haven't thought of any of these ideas. I can pick them apart if I wanted to, but I am not against proposing ideas. I love free thinking. It encourages better ideas.

    • Auto-veil players - This concept of veiling was to reward the active players who planned on NOT warring, they could veil in advance. If you are inactive, then you get the boot (if your admins want to actually win). I actually think the old way, the option to join the war prior to roster lock would be a more effective idea. But that’s just me.
    • Adding new players after the matchup - Thus eliminating the matchup itself. It would be abused. Devs are not going to individually match the wars by adding certain players, it's not feasible.

    They implemented a system to revive the boring, mostly unused system war format. It has worked. Most everyone is doing EE wars. The items are being sought by most, and sales are up. Overall a win.

    It's the matchups that are horrible, but this isn't a secret. Don't wanna risk a bad matchup, don't gamble. That's my point. You wanna play, understand, you may get demolished. It's war. You will not have fair matchups all the time until the issue is worked out.

    That doesn't mean other people haven't had fair matchups. I've done quite a few, and managed to overcome a couple of mismatches. Not to take away from other clans who have has mismatches and lost, it’s an imperfect system. But from what I've seen, they are working the kinks out.
  3. I thought this was a war game. :lol: What is it then, skippy? If I did a survey, you'd find that 99% of the people would recommend you go play PIMD.

    Where did you get your data? So 90% of KAW doesn't like war? :lol:
  4. I got all of my **** for free! You don't need to spend to get goldz!

  5. Dear Kaw_Admin

    Are we any further on the ridiculous myth limitation ? Why is there a limit of 6 myth? As a paying customer I would like to be able to acquire unholy aura but can't WHY NOT??!! It's a war game is is not ? Why is there this silly limitation in preventing most people to be able to buy such ?
  6. @kaw_admin, "real war environment" isn't an Estoc's an OSW. Please don't mislead the noobs into thinking a "real war" is anything but. (And you know OSW's make you a lot of $$)
  7. Why did I get silenced
  8. Can you let us buy mithril. Earning it all for equipment is just impossible. And All Star War seems like a great idea
  9. @ Willy - You say this revived the wars in Kaw and most people use it. I call BS. I have been watching closely. Since its introduction the number of clans participating has gone down drastically and the number of wars has gone up.

    It's simple to count the number of wars active for each set time. Not only is it not remotely close to "most of KaW" it seems to have dwindled down to the same 30-40 clans week in week out that the set war times favor. Rarely do we see any new clans trying it out.

    In the very first announcement about the EE wars KaW admin did say this was an effort to bring clam unity back to KaW. It seems to have done the polar opposite.

    But by all means all the members of KaW, by which I mean the 40 clans that war, please keep drinking the Devs Kool aid and preaching how great this dysfunctional system is.
  10. Love the changes. I really like the idea for the season wars and all star wars
  11. I agree with Gabriel,

    The activity in the EE Wars has lessened. 8+ weeks of testing this new war system has shown the same folks battling it out. But more unsatisfied players in my view.There is no incentive when the Devs have not found a fool proof matching algorithm.

    This EE sword is a joke. Clan hopping, it is a fact. Loyalty does not mean you are unable to help other clans out. Owners are forced to build or share clans to hold EE Wars due to the Veil of Evasion. Loyal clan members are not always active.

    1. Opt-in
    2. Estoc Edge is yours, so keep it, you earned it.
    3. Rotation of EE War commencement times, every 10 hours.
    4. Each player should have a rating, i.e.. build, BFA, War experience combined. This rating, like a Leaderboard rating, can be used to factor even EE War matching.
    5. Crystal/ Nobility reward for top player/s in each war.
  12. @Willey, simply workout the percentage of war players each week to ttl KAW players. 10% is fairly close.
  13. @ LarRyFoX support during my visits to other clans there are at most 4 ppl who go off to war.The time has come to bring in the next set of lands rumoured about last fall,along with a new set of ebs for the 90% of ppl who dont want to war or cant war.Bring back the clansmenship of fighting ebs.
  14. I posted this in kaw_admin's other thread. Hopefully I can get some more support for the no match idea. I can't see any real downside to my proposal. Any feedback welcome.

    Sorry, kaw_admin, but this "update" doesn't fix the root problems. Your solution is somewhat akin to going to the doctor and he diagnoses a hang nail and proposes to cut off your foot, but in fact you have stomach cancer and need chemotherapy.

    In our case, removing the ability to upgrade or buy a building during war is severely handicapping the vast majority of players who play fairly. Many have already noted the legitimate reasons for keeping the status quo.

    The actual problem with reset alts isn't that they are overpowered. If I'm in a war with 45 on each side, I would rather be on the side with 45 real accounts and not the side with 35 reals and 10 resets. Reset accounts only work when you vastly outnumber your opponent.

    The problem is that the match making system is flawed. You say in your update thread that you have fixed the system but that "it will help alleviate this somewhat. However it will never remove it." I find your statement particularly galling. You understand there is a serious problem but that sometimes, oh well, too bad, you're out of luck: suck it up, pansy, cause you signed up for war and now it's your turn to suffer!!

    I have proposed for four weeks running a simple yet effective solution to the reset alt problem as well as your matchmaking problems. Make it so that if a suitable match cannot be made the NO WAR MATCH is made for that clan.

    In order to make a match the two clans need to be within a predefined percentage in both strength AND numbers. I would propose 20% for strength and 13% for numbers. 20% strength is easily overcome with all pots; 13% for numbers means that for every 8 people the opposition can have 1 extra. This makes for potentially difficult matches but in no way would these matches be unwinnable.

    I believe the main reason we are seeing a constant decrease in clans participating in EE wars is the poor matchmaking and the very high chance of getting poor matches. You've seen a number of high profile pacifist protests such as the recent night's watch and tactical forces protests. How many clans out there don't even bother to sign up because of the poor matchmaking?

    If there is a fail-safe built into matchmaking, you could open up the wars to a wider audience. You could eliminate all numbers requirements. By safeguarding smaller clans you might see an uptick in clans signing up. With this system you could allow clans to war with all 100 members if they wish - as long as there is another clan out there to matchup properly with.

    There is very little downside to having the no match system. The clan gets a notice saying that a suitable match could not be found and they continue on with their eb.

    I have warred all 12 weeks the trials have run. One thing I can tell you with certainty: 1 good closely matched war is better than 10 walkover wars. In fact I would go so far as to say that most people would prefer to do an eb than do 2 hours of a crappy war where you are sitting or getting sat on mercilessly.
  15. I will lump these together as they are in and around the same point.

    For the most part I'm agreed. I'm not looking for 100% even, but at the minute, we're not even close. In the same ball park would be nice.

    Think you may have got the wrong end of the stick with the auto-veil option. If clan 'X' has a bigger strength than Clan 'Y' then some players from Clan 'X' are auto-veiled from war with a level of EE and mith but don't fight. This would create a fairer match and the players who didn't war would at least be compensated.

    Same theory with the addition of players.. It would only be up to a certain amount, until the match was fairer.

    (FWIW I can't see this working either, too complex but still!).

    Yes. Fair play to them for changing the system. I like it or I wouldn't war. BUT my point was about the fix they tried to bring in, not the system itself.

    Well yes but thats rather the point. Instead of fixing the problem whilst EE was still in trial, they went ahead and implemented the wars anyway. Now they are looking to implement seasons with the problem not only still evident, but seemingly worse. There are less and less clans warring each week. Some of this will be due to all the OSWs but a lot will also be due to a broken system.

    If its not fixed it will break the system before it gets off the ground properly.

    If it were just me I wouldn't mind. But going by the feedback, its now a majority of cases. I want to see it fixed. I put time and effort into the game and I enjoy it. I don't complain because I want to be a rebel, or because I hate authority because my mother didn't breast feed me. I simply want the best gaming experience possible and I feel so far the devs could do better than they have.

    PS - Thanks for a decently thought out and presented response. The main reason I don't forum much is because normally that would have just degenerated into rattle throwing and name calling.
  16. @Kaw Admins;

    May I ask whats these new & improved war system? Anyone can check our Match Up ⇨HKSAR Misfits Academy (43) Vs. Playmate Dolls (45) ⇦ its totally a massacre! In short another mismatch by Devs! I'm at top 4 in HKSAR but the Top 24 in Playmate is much higher Stats than me.. Actually its just common sense & Devs failed again.
  17. Hire me

    1. You had like 10 inactives.
    2. Did anyone mith up on your side??

    When we 1st started we were always smaller than the other clan at the top. This is pretty much irrelevant. You can scout anyone on playmate dolls with mith and full pots. U can assn most there. Looks like u just gave up b4 war started. Excluding fighting huge bfa clans, strategy > size.
  18. 6 Mithril limit disadvantage for war.
    Please change Mithril limit to 15 so we can cover all spells of increased power with color change or have the choice of using 1 spell of increased ability.
  19. Cast 6. Buy 6 more, cast, buy 6 more. It tells about this in other forums
  20. Kindoms at war