Ive been doing ee wars since i was a million cs. Ive grown alot doing ee wars (estoc edge helps offset the cost of pots you use). Big or small ee is for everyone. Just gott find a decent clan
I would ask u to consider this please ... Since system wars serve no real purpose anymore can u change them to Ee style wars No mith payout just pay gold for pots used Just so that clans can practice with new members and try out war strategy in a controlled environment I know it would be useful for train new members especially and getting to see how good they are in war before throwing them to the wolfs and costing ur clan a EE war that they can only do on ur time Might also encourage some more people or clans to start doing them if they get to try one with no loss of pots or mith Just a thought from someone who likes to teach
Actually smaller players make sooooo much more mith than big ones. Also KaW said they are increasing payouts too. A guild hansel can make a net of 60-80 mith a war while an hlbc player will max out at 30-40 net. They base it on cost of mith. In essence you are spending maybe 15b in a war to buy 60 mith if u win. Assume winning 50% as a small player for 30b u are buying 60 mith at 500m each. Similar to the price it used to sell for.
12 weeks for 1 season of EE is too long in my opinion. Shorten seasons to 4 weeks would be prime... Say for determining the ASW of season look at persons beat war of every week and only 3 of the 4 weeks just my thoughts thanks...
I don't do forums. But those estoc edge war been going long enough without someone talking about a 24 hour war. Now I see 2 hour wars proposed and it gets me mad. A true war clan will spend a lot of energy assembling a multiple time zone crew. I'm a warrior of attrition but do like a time limit, 4 hours war is simply not representing that portion of KaW. I said my piece, peace out
Not at all. Smaller players could be matched with smaller players. I was simply pointing out under the new system, the bigger clan nearly always wins. This makes it critical to have a fair matching system with balanced teams. Unless you're saying that stronger players should always win just because they're stronger then no, I don't see what you're saying. A fair matching system could match new and old players equally and anything in-between. Tosh, in a forum filter approved word. There have been numerous fixes suggested on the forums, hell even on this thread that could work. Auto-veil players, adding of new players after matchup, a gold handicap system, whatever. But what the devs actually tried to bring in was a system that would sell them more xtals. Hey its a business. I get it. But that was lazy and greedy and deserved to be castigated in the way it was. Yeah we all the have the proverbial anecdote of the small clan who beat the odds but its the exception not the rule. Wars are costly in both game time (pots, mith) and rl time. If people are placed in a situation where they can't win or aren't compensated enough, they won't bother. I don't mind 'sucking it up' occasionally but I have warred 2-4 wars nearly every week with clans both big and small and the majority of these wars have been unfair, lop-sided and thus, boring. Edit - As a quick edit. To address your point about strength. Bigger players already have it their own way mostly, they will win against smaller players 99 times out of 100 out of EE wars. But, the EE war system was created for excitement and billed to be fair. With team mis-matches. Its neither.
I do not war but when the ewars 1st came out i saw that they were flawed and only really benefited the full or near full hlbc ppl and the established war clans. These wars were made,we were told,to bring the clan members closer.The opposite happened ppl who didnt want to war had to leave to make room for incoming "guests" for the wars.But when the war was over they were could not return to their home because the "guests" didnt want to leave as they didnt want to lose their EE. The other flaw was the red equip.The red equip should have been bought with red mith.By this i mean that alot of ppl had up to 500 mith already,i know some,therefore a advantage was already given out.If this,the red mith,had been implemented reg mith could still be bought. As far as clan size or strength is concerned why cant their be a max average cs grouping be set up with a specific number and the choice to opt into their specific category,this would possibly allow the smaller clans to war within their own size. As a footnote i cannot war as i use a tablet with too many screens to go through to get a assignment and to hit,and with some of the updates that have come out lately the spinners and freezes have made it imposslble to war you cant even get pots in in a eb its that slow.
Fgdgqegbhhsstrxhshvsyha ya vabbbvfgxhgv jbsbbbshsbzhdvsnsbnsfjfjfhbjsjjsjbqndjmsnsnnsbjnjdhwbdwnd hhsvhzvahva zaga ha zona bsbdvshysbdjhjsgtsvjdqxagybsjjs v bsubv DhgbfvsaedfxddzszzrtcybncyegfqjsjusbhavgsvysxjnhztgabdyshhshshshsggqhyshshsujhshyhuhvsgvyhkzhjshbsffsxusjsysvggsvGvaggavxyauhshjsg zdxghhddgsdxfgVsHhavyacgVahvhs
Hey tiny alt; You do realize that [when people spam Kaw_admin's posts] they can get forum banned/silenced.
Ya know instead of letting all these comments pile up would be nice to see a few questions answered here and there so some of us feel like were being heard and not falling on deaf ears a little attempt goes a long way. Just sayn
Need more details about how all star war players will be selected and what these "rewards" for the all star war and season 1 wars will be plz
As per the idea of the All Star War, I'd like to suggest the creation of the Estoc War Season Member Ranking. Members would be classified according the average of plunder earned on each war and average net ko result (ko won minus ko suffered).
Good job devs, completely kille any chance for a hard working player to get mith, or mith items. Your set time ee wars are bull. I understand you have to make people happy, but if no sys wars payout mith now, at least make 1 ee war a day, not the way you have it set currently. I know several people who have to work each of those days during those times. You suck, an completely float over this beig brought up by several in all threads you post.
Is the better payout for 4 hrs war still skewed to certain timezone? Pls rotate the war timing to allow every time zone an equal chance to war and earn the mithril. Thanks.
For god sakes bunny, these wars have been so uneven and u are crying for no war cap?? Really? U win with 15 more each war. U think no cap will make wars more even or just let u win easier?
To WillyTheDeuce, where u get the idea that this is a purely war game??? please do a survey. u will be surprised how many ppl do not like war or give up after trying warring. I tell u, ew is boring & is designed only for 10% of players.