I retract my previous post. NOT IN FAVOR OF INCREASING XTALS IF POOR MATCHUP. This will just lead to opposing team winning more gold while continuing to sit on opponent. Waste of money for the player. Will the devs put this in place to increase THEIR profits?
Dear devs not sure if your watching this thread anymore but I figured I give it a shot once again last night I was part of there lop sided ee war 32 vs 46 needless to say we did not have a chance and once again lost Mith due to a bad match up. But did come up with a idea that might work instead of veil how about a sign up ? let's say 24 hour before the next war players need to sign up to war the next ee scheduled fight, when 30 players are reached admins and owners are allowed to sign the clan up for the ee war. At 2 hours roster is locked leaving and joining disabled ( if members sign up but left so less than required amount then the clan sign up will be void) so now comes your match up make it so it \-2 players to be fair if there is a huge gap ( like my war last night ) the last signup can not play . For instance my war last night us at 32 would only allow 34 of theirs to fight so the last 12 of their 46 to sign up would not be allowed to join now some may think that be unfair but if given 12 hours to sign up u should have sign up earlier I feel better to disappoint 12 players that they can war that day than to disappoint 32 cause of a bad match up and the blame is out of your hands if the size of the players knocked out are not the ones the clans wanted out then they should of signed up earlier ... Anyway just a idea thanks for reading
@derilick and everyone who has posted, I'm sure the devs have heard all about the join war option, so they are probably either considering it heavily or not even thinking about it. Also, how would that work? Some people could just get home a couple minutes before estocs starts, and not have a chance of signing up before.
No bad idea there should be a cap difference in members max 5 if you play these wars you will know that 15 more players is not a war
Dear Devs, I remember clearly that you introduced mithril rewards a little over a year ago. The introduction of mithril reward was innitially to stop PWAR that was accused to be an abused to war system. But hey, look at today, you wanted to remove mithril reward by mentioning that MWAR is a form of war system abused. Who intruduced a paladin equipment that can only be purchased by mithril afterall? This is a game and i agree to the opinion that it is part of the dynamic of a game. Who can guarrantee that a few months from now there wont be accusation that the war system been abused again? Its never ending. Player finding their way to have fun. If the devs believe that KaW is a war game, why epic battle at all? Remove epic battle, then KaW will be a true warring game and see how many will leave KaW. Best of luck to the Devs.
Out ranked 9 vs 10. Pretty close, good start, I read on. Your clan "45 members" your enemy "60 members". Hmmmmm, not quite so close. We've won some bad match ups before, but I feel obliged to ask what is the point of restricting the size limits if this is still an outcome? How much worse could our match up feasibly have been? I look forward to a "hopefully" good match up tomorrow, but the fact I must "hope" is incredibly frustrating, especially as I can rarely war more than once a week.
I want to say no. These miss matched wars are rediculous. 52 against 40. Really. Battles need to be matched wth even or close to even teams.
We were ranked 10the against a clan ranked 9th and they had 15 more members. Devs how are u coming up with these matches? Go back like it was before u started making it worse.
Notice the devs want to let the side with less players use more xstals not remove the number of xstals the side with more can use.
Dear Ape, that thinks... Try another vote with your idea, with a tweak. The idea has been mentioned multiple times already. So I have taken from many players ideas and see 3 key points: 1- The extra health crystals, that your calculations suggest, be awarded after matchup ON THE HOUSE/FREE.(Both clans notified of this ammount.) LIke a free sample at the store, it invites you to actually buy something you would otherwise pass up. (MANY aren't "buying" what your selling, so try and offer a free sample, people may buy more) 2- Make a special button in oracle, where those FREE xtals can be used. This is so the "free sample" can be used first. 3- That button is disabled and/or the free health crystals expire immediately as war ends. The point is, you obviously have the start of a good idea, it just needs a tweak. This "tweak" has the potential to make wars VERY interesting. We understand this is your business, profits are important. And estoc wars have probably increased those profits. But, where will the profits go, when less and less clans keep signing up, because they aren't "buying" into your flawed system? Don't make us pay for the mistakes of the system, offer compensation for your shortcomings and restore some respect from the community. I support.
Terrible idea. Implementing war only on devs' schedule is completely losing the script. Changing the entire war system to the EE format at any given time is a better solution. This concept completely alienates a large chunk of the player-base and favors those in 3-4 time zones above others. I thought EE was supposed to be a benefit, instead, it's turned into something foolish. If you're going to do this, you might as well reinstate mith sales so you can at least grab some cash out of the deal. Less than no support.
If the war system as a whole is predicated on knockouts, it eliminates mith wars, as "open" spies have to be closed for mith bonuses. The person who suggested this clearly didn't think very hard about it. The EE format for all wars would have pretty much nixed plunder wars as well, given that a pure spy with 0 troops/spies would be dtw for 15 mins at a time. IMHO, stop putting band-aids on gushing wounds. These ideas are getting more inane by the day. The devs created the war system, now it's been rendered obsolete. Don't take away rewards, stop trying to work around the problem, and fix it.