Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. If the mithril payout is the same or better I say yeah but if it is reduced I say no way
  2. I say no!! The best option at matchup is to level the clans warring. If one clan has 42 members and the other clan has 46. Auto veil 4 members of the second clan to make it even and give 20 miths to this 4 ppl. That way everybody it gonna be happy. (Someone post this idea before and I think is great)
  3. Easy turndown. The score is 44-273, against. The "yeses" have to pull in ~250 votes more than the "nos" in the next two hours (500% more votes).
  4. The devs already said they aren't implementing it 6 pages previous.
  5. this new way of removing mith form sw is a joke not everyone can do wars each weekend never mind all five weekend wars

    yes some ppl where abusing it but some ppl cant do the weekend wars due rl

    plus the over bloated cost of ee equip has lead to this! :!:

    also why is it that, full clans more to 100 members cant war just seems absurd as i know not many big clans go war but is highly unfair have tell members in own clan no ee for you
  6. I vote no!!! There has to be another way .. Not only buying xtals come on .. 
  7. Kudos for trying, but i think this xtal idea is ultimately a no-go for reasons already stated. Further, i think that since you have removed the war tax & removed mith from system wars, more clans will engage in ee wars, giving you an even larger match-up pool.
  8. Very hard for me to do EE at the current set times. Night time wars start at 11pm or 1am and day time ones I'm busy with family or working. SW were the only way I could get Mith on any of my accounts. I don't support this change.
    I also don't support your xtal idea based on friends information about EE.
  9. Wait... So you can't get mith from estocs anymore?
  10. @Zork -system wars. estocs still give mith.
  11. Why there no vote for system wars losing their mithril payout? Mith wars have been a part of the game since the creation of mithril to replace gold payout from wars. Whenever a "mith sale" was not in place, there were clans doing them. This must have been brought to your attention long before Estoc wars were created?
  12. The Devs put a lot of time and thought into this, READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU VOTE. My vote is Yes because I love the whole idea :D
  13. It's over guys. Read page 49
  14. Hey Dev are you becoming Communist
  15. Let's try to give the devs constructive ideas rather than criticism - here's my constructive idea: Should Xstals be available for game gold (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=129151) Thx for the read - pls comment as I have e-mailed devs :)
  16. Don't like the no mith from wars
  17. NO MITH WARS!?