Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. @ GUNDAM. Respect Nice post .
  2. My vote is yes. There's nothing fun about a war where one side outnumbers the other by a ridiculous amount.
  3. I vote NO to the smaller clan using extra crystals
  4. Vote NO! Please return balance in the farce! Kaw>lap dances!
  5. No to extra xstals. Will encourage clans to be as small as possible in wars. We want big wars with good balance. If extra xstals I the answer then clans with richer players will benefit
  6. This is insane!!! My answer would be a resounding NO!!! I thinks we better find a new game if its happen
  7. this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever seen. taking away the only way for players who dont have 4 hours straight to do EE wars to get mithril is a joke. all this is about is selling 10-15 extra xtals per week from the players that usually buy. its a big middle finger to the players that dont pay regularly or at all who enjoy the game and have done so for years! well devs from those of us that dont have big pockets you can go forth and fornicate yourselves because you are slapping your loyal followers in the face. we have helped promote the game through our FBs and other social networks, as well as though our friend circles and helped you earn that income even though we may not pay as much or as often as some.
  8. The match-up should be calculated on combining the players stats not on the quantities on players warring..
    Take the 30 top players of hgl playing against nearly every others clan of 60 players is still a tought match up ...not for hgl..if on top of that u give them extra xtal for behind less lol..
    no offense to u guys,u just too strong lol,it is just a pure example on how this idea really doesn't make sense..
    Than like any have said,what's the % of ppl being able to nourish you with their money??
    It's either not enough bcos you need more $ or it is enough but u get greedy..whatsoever most of the ppl who make that game be by playing it cannot afford the even said it urself: this game is a social game not a lucrative 1...where Is the truth in that???
    I surely vote NO
    Concerning the system war,rules can b bent... You should be able to see by urself who is bending it or not,u can't stop it bcos u r not able to deal with it..again what's the % of clan doing that? It is ur responsibility to deal with it but not using the facility to simply erase SW for all others clan enjoying it...
    All of this is extremely disappointing BUT surely NOT that surprising coming from u guys
    Nice job
  9. I like idea but I think it should bevtested.

    Think of the calculations as such - 20 xtra ppl would give u X amount of potential extra actions.


    Full troops give u potential to do 25 successful attack and 25 succesful spy actions. Not sure exact numbers. Yes yes I know failures kill troops faster. This is for arguments sack.

    Team A - 40ppl x 50 actions = 2000
    Team B - 60ppl x 50 actions = 3000

    So at start of war team A has potential to do 1000 more actions.

    Team A - 2 xrstals x 2000 actions = 4000
    Team B - 2 xrstals x 3000 actions = 6000

    Difference of 2000 plus the start of war 1000 actions. That's 3000 potential more actions.

    3000/50 = 60 Which would be 1.5 extra xrstl to even that out. But during war team b will have consistently more.

    So 2 xtra xrstals seem about right.

    I think this should be tested though. Because mass xrstl efforts r a huge advantage. And team A can do that 4x. Like to see this in action.

  10. My vote is NO NO NO. At least for the removal of the sw mithril payouts. Honestly, to settle a grudge I know a lot of ppl do osw's, not sw's. And for taking away the war tax and mith payouts? Here's my ideas on that:
    -no mith payouts means less incentive to do sw's. even if you do them, there's no point in using pots because you lose the $ spent on them.( which is more than the money you would earn per hit). If I want to earn $, I'll do ebs where I don't need pots to hit.
    -you may think that this will get you a bigger base to select from for ee wars. It probably won't seeing as they have been out for so long already.

    Honestly, mith payouts were based upon what you put into the war already. Someone who used pots got more mith than those who didn't. So how is that not 'trying'?
    You take away the mith sales, now you take away the sw's payouts...guess I'm not getting any paladin equip after all 
  11. I say no. It's kinda unfair cause say a smaller clan has 3 hansels who can regen 2 more times that just ensures a pin that can't be broken and would kinda make the clans wanna try to max out at the 30 people mark just to get the hope of using more xtals I say. No
  12. 295 votes.

    254 say no this update. Yikes
  13. Vote NO on xtal fix!!!!! If you want to make it better than go force the bigger team to use less xtal!
  14. I say yes that is Definetly fair to smaller clans!!!
  15. No to xtrals unless you give free xtrals.
  16. vote no and no here