Kingdoms at War - *IMPORTANT VOTE* 02/11/2013 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 11, 2013.


Give the lower roster size clan the ability to use additional Health Crystals!

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    345 vote(s)
  1. The current matchup system IS based on strength as well as numbers.

    So you stack a clan with 30 T5 HLBC players and they're bound to be outnumbered through sheer strength.

    Then you give them an extra crystal or two.

    Oooh the exploits.

    Also it's odd to me how far out of their way ATA will go just to prevent an exploit.

    Games have exploits. They always will. By taking away whole features JUST to prevent an exploit (system wars), you limit the game in its entirety. Soon you will have nothing left.
  2. Always being forced into things.....where's the freedom?
  3. So system wars that can pay mith go - and the only way to get mith are estocs that will require more xtals ... that cost you real money. Think i see the reason...
  4. No support. It's wrong in so many ways
  5. I'm not sure what the answer is but this certainly isn't. I vote NO.
  6. For a small clan that struggles to get enough people to commit and be active in a 4 hr estoc war - to then say that they will need to use more xtals means you just wont get enough. After all what are the least run ebs? TBO, TT - because they require xstals. NO SUPPORT
  7. Devs just manage the war matching dont resolve the issue putting the responsibility on us to have fair match up by using crystal..  NO VOTE on this!
  8. Why only a vote on pc what happens to the ppl that only have kaw on device do there voices not count. If there having a vote everyone should be included.
    No support
  9. ** This post is specially for KaW admin, and represents my personal viewpoints drawn from my knowledge and experience in KaW. It took me some time to type this out as I don't want to see the game die like this. **

    I have already commented before that mithril wars will resurface. At that time, most did not seem to believe it would happen.

    With no war tax now, and with more gold per action, pwars will eventually re-surface.

    I'm not sure if KaW sees the one big circle they have moved.
    Short History:
    1) Long ago, pwars were the rage. A number of OSFs were banned at that time, but generally, it was agreed that pwars was a necessary evil. It was a fast avenue for new/small accounts to grow.

    2) Eventually, epic battles were introduced to offer an alternative to pwars. Very quickly, everyone found out haunting pays well. However, pwars were still good for smaller accounts.

    3) KaW introduced mithrils as a form of war payout. Not only does this stop pwars from being used for growth, it also stopped the reverse pwar scenario where the winning clan forfeits and war tax gold passed to the OSF for growth, or to some of the players (current LBs) who paid for reverse plunder.

    At that time, there was nothing much we can do with mithrils, apart from simple spells.

    4) Then the next focus was mainly on epic battles, and newer equips. Then T5. Pwars were generally low as everyone focus on epic battles and clan hopping.

    5) Then came the Red Paladin Equips. This is a good idea and good move, but in my opinion not really implemented well as I have seen over the past few weeks. It is in my opinion, a form of new lands. Equipments are like buildings, it wouldn't have been different from having a Heavens-Land and buildings which can only be built/upgraded from mithrils, aquas or infernos.

    6) However, the mithril payout while good in EE wars, was damaged by the unfair match-ups. And as I have mentioned earlier, mithril wars are and will be back in fashion.

    7) Now Kaw Admin is removing the war tax system and mithril payouts to counter the abuse of using mithril wars to get mithrils. Also, there will be no war tax so that there will be reverse plunder as well.

    Things to consider:
    1) If this brings on more EE wars, is the KaW system able to handle to increased load? Will it lead to more lag?

    2) It is my opinion that this will bring NOT more EE wars. Matchups are too random and unfair. More players will leave the game.

    3) Certainly, EE wars need more tweaking, but what else can be tweaked? Timings do not fit every player too, so by doing such the wars at these fixed timings, certain players are alienated. Definitely, it is a business and it makes sense to cater to the majority, but some thoughts should also be given to paying players who can't meet the timing.

    4) Eventually, the newer players will give up on EE wars and go back to do epic battles mostly. But what has happened already...? Some of the epic battles are not run frequently, making it tough for newer players who want equips from EBs like TBO or TT.

    My suggestions/solutions:
    The goal of all these changes are to
    i) increase and encourage the warring within KaW
    ii) introduce new things to attract and keep players in this game, and hence increase the probability of crystals purchase.

    Does it work well? Probably it would in the short run, but it is hardly worth all the programming efforts, brain-storming sessions, lag fixing, etc, for what I really consider is a short-term solution.

    What makes KaW fun in the early days were the constant warring among kingdoms. Kingdoms had to hit other kingdoms to grow, or they could nob to grow. So many changes has changed the face of KaW.

    What I think could be done to improve overall user experience is to give players more choices of getting the same stuff (the goal of playing).

    Suggestions on top of EE wars:
    1) Allow mithrils purchase after 6.
    The first 6 purchase are there to allow players to purchase enough mithrils for EE wars or EBs that require it. It is a nice feature, and somewhat expensive, but not too expensive. There is also a cap to the number that can be purchased.

    My suggestion here is to allow mithrils purchase above 6. However, like everything else, there must be a catch. Mithrils purchase could be made very tough, for example players may need 10b and above per mithril after the 6th one. It could probably get more expensive when players get more mithrils. There are infernos and aquas to play with. Infernos can be bought, aquas only through EBs or with crystals. Mithrils purchase at high numbers could be designed in such a way that aquas will be needed for part of the purchase.

    2) Introduce random drops of mithrils from hitting players.
    Be it in OSW or System wars, mithril can be paid out randomly (like nobility points from repeating quests).
    Of course, this will probably lead to more OSFs opening and pwars/mwars running. Definitely, a counter will have to be thought of here to prevent abuse of this.

    However, if it works out, it will definitely encourage more wars including OSWs, making it a truly warring game. Not a game where wars are designed and matchmaked by KaW system, and not players themselves.

    3) Allow mithrils purchase using nobility (for KaW to earn)
    We have to be fair. Players who are willing to pay will get an advantage over players who want just a free game. This has always been the case since day 1. KaW gets to earn too. This has always been the case for online games.

    The maximum daily purchase of nobs will limit the maximum number of mithrils that can be purchased daily.

    This is as far as my ideas run so far. Thanks for reading.
  10. The simple truth is Devs that the reason peeps are doing mwars is because:-

    1) The release of items requiring mith to purchase and upgrade.
    2) the EE system is wrong in so many ways, not only on the restrictions on time, which basically ignores half of kaw, but in matchups themselves
    3) The restriction of the purchase of mith.
    4) the resets
    5) the EE edge reset from level one to zero if you move clan. What if my clan is not warring and i want to, but can only commit to one war in that weekend?

    I war, win and leave. Get my mith and lose my edge when i return home or

    I war with a new clan, have no idea of tactics or strength of that clan and am made subject to bad matchup as well = Loss of mith, loss of time, loss of pots........and now xstal as well.

    The increase in mwars have been created by this new war system, and its stupid mith items.

    Nice Job here
  11. Sadly no comp account, so no vote. It seem from post reading that it would be fairly pointless. Vast majority seem to be not in favour. It'll be interesting to see whether the vote is taken into consideration. I'm not automatically no on xtals being used to even mismatches although there obviously are flaws in the immediate proposal. I would definitely like to see Estoc style system wars as an option for training purposes whether or not there are mith payouts ( though I believe there should be small ones.) I don't agree with making Estoc the only route to mith. Players have to have options. Seems like the only option for lag reduction would be huge increase in server capacity to process huge number of actions in multiple Estoc hits. This obviously needs huge injunction of funds from devs, and not surprisingly from us. Naive to imagine otherwise. Ebs/cc/simple building. These are the "free" game. Like any "free" app out there, deeper involvement requires payment. You choose your level of involvement. As for match ups, obviously more thought is required and one simple fix will not fix all. Any system will produce stronger weaker matches. And that's only right in a war game. And any system can be exploited. Devs need to give us us options. Players need to play the game that's there without whining. Suck it up and play. 
  12. I agree with everything EXCEPT the xtal thing. Xtals turn wars a lot and for one side to be able to use more we give them a advantage much greater than the amount of members.

    Also, Estoc Trials are meant to be wars where you don't need to buy loads of crystals to enter and if some clans can use 4 it defeats the point.
  13. Hey devs, take a look at the game name! Kingdoms at WAR I can't believe I'm actually saying that to ATA...

    You take out payouts and mithril from normal wars, you take out the incentive to war. You also make the incentive solely on doing the EE wars, because it gives you a few extra pennies and puts the focus back on your precious ebs.

    Open your eyes devs, and open them wide. Because your entire system and game is corrupt.
  14. Voting NO
  15. I vote No to Extra Crystals, I myself was in a clan with 37 and had to fight a clan with 53,,
    We won, and easily. To all those how say yes, How about trying to think about how your clan fights rather than Just sitting there being a button thumper.
  16. This really sux! Some of us war and need the mithril for osw and can no longer get it from mwars. I don't have 4 hours straight to earn mithril in this rediculous KO system on a regular basis! The only way I think you should take away our mwars is if you make mithril available for purchase with gold to an unlimited amount as its current cap of 6 is pathetic. Can't even cast all the spells on that. And for a osw (like the ones that last months) you need to cast so many times that you need 100 maybe 1000s.
  17. It's strange. Devs are really fast on fixing things that can hurt by 0,001% their income. Here's my useless vote . That's the same direction this game is going...
  18. No to these changes.