Voting no to idiocy of such a terrible thought out plan. I know the devs do thing to improve game play but to make desicions based solely on bottom line is not good. Who's running the game now the accountants or the computer guys.
Idea: Option to forfeit war BEFORE start, AFTER match-up, to be decided by both clans. This way, you save your mith and pots if the match-up is horrible, or against an ally clan, and you save your 2-4 hours. We do have lives, after all, and match-ups are currently a pretty hefty factor in deciding who wins the wars. So since there really isn't anything you can do about which clans sign up for war, or their size, give us the option to get out of it.
Can the greed of the ATA Development team grow any bigger? OF COURSE IT CAN . Why would any single player who knows how to read vote yes for an update that can be EXPLOITED so easily? Oh wait people don't think much since our education system in the US has become so bad that even the regular adults have become idiots. No wonder ATA can do this so freely . No Mithril payout for System Wars, this was the foundation of KaW at some point in 2010-2011 before greed kicked in. I love how they plain out suggest to reduce caps of players in EE to increase crystal usage , means more crystals will be sold during the week YAY for devs now let the MOOSE dance. I vote NO, simply because I do not support the greed that has been displayed by A Thinking Ape, Inc. Removing Mithril from regular System Wars is another way for the developers of this game to force players into EE by FORCING THEM TO LEAVE THEIR HOME CLANS SO THEY CAN GET SOME MITHRIL AT WHICH POINT SOME FREAKING SMART ASS WILL SAY "HEY LETS USE 30 HANSELS AND WE CAN ABUSE THE 60 CRYSTALS EXTRA WE CAN ALL USE WHILE WE ARE DTW TO OUR ENEMY!!" Pushing loyalty out of the equation is a good move by A Thinking Ape, Inc. Who needs loyalty to a bunch of people in a game when you have crystals and nobility points sales skyrocketing due to kids begging their parents for excess change or their credit card information (this is why the developers like Moose.) Make a forum to show how you can swindle money from places around your home so the 9 year old can buy 10 nobility points a day, good strategy. I'm sure apple has seen an increase in reports about purchases that were not legitimate due to a child taking their parents credit card to buy nobility points thanks to a thread that an adult created therefore making it morally correct and "OK" to do. How I hope A Thinking Ape, Inc. Gets sued but sadly that won't happen since now it's a 9 game :0 (9 year olds can now make binding contracts without actual consent that force their parents to pay even without approval or consent.)
We know, Honda. No one said EE won't pay out mith still. But the old system war is a different system, another variety of playing, and a way to get mith outside of the *set* EE hours. I liked that system. I miss it.
Hey hey! Hold on a darn second! Have any of you guys thought about how the CURRENT estoc system CAN already be abused by stacking a clan? I personally know that a lot of clans were not very happy with the HGL stacking nor the ZAFT, but hey! If you wanna lose before you even start that's up to you.
I totally disagree wih the additional usage of crystal. For so many reasons, one of these is if your clan is Match Up with much higher in terms of clan strenght -the result of using crystal will not be useful if you can't hit your opponent because of huge gap in clan strenght.
NO! The reason why clans with smaller numbers are matched up with bigger amount of people, is because the smaller clan is full of bigger builds. If you give the bigger builds more xstals=mass destruction...
No more mith wars about time devs. Make those eb clans actually get hit to get mith . All they do is exploit the system to get mith and war paladins.
Will vote yes on system war change...mainly because its abused horribly. Vote no on xstals. First why is the diff multiplied by 4 and not 2. Also xstalls can be a huge deciding factor if used at the right time. Theres a solution to matchup up issuse but this isnt it in its current form....back to the drawing board please
I vote no. My main objections are two - even getting 30 to war is a challenge. How about lowering the numbers? 20-30