Update on the Forum Moderator Role

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 5, 2013.

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  1. I think wulf should be one of these
  2. How do u become a game mod?
  3. I think it would be nice to become a moderator and a Forum Moderator would be the icing on the cake congratulations to those who have been given the role.
  4. Pretty stupid. IMO
  5. Alyb, edit that too English and try again. Otherwise refrain from posting other languages aside from English of course. Or you get in trouble
  6. How do I apply for moderator role
  7. U should change estoc trials so every body can do it even if u don't have 30 people u may be stronger than a clan that does
  8. at the ss killer:

    you don't apply, but you can apply for moderator if you think you qualify for it.
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