Kingdoms at War - 02/04/13 Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. I downloaded update to my android that i play on and now i cant access my account had to make this one just to get on forums
  2. I think the new war system is really stupid should go back to the way it was it makes it more fun. Now a clan can only have a max of 45 stupid go back to having 60 members thanks 
  3. Losing side in war should get a reward, in other games I have played winner gets double and loser gets half, or some ratio, this would encourAge more players and more clans to war, losing costs a lot of Mith and causes players to hate war! Or they go and create awar clan with there alt accounts and war for Mith like that!
  4. Its Friday no pauldron lol though it is 7am my time lol so 4am devs time makes sense hopefully it is released in a couple hours although i wont be able to get the equip
  5. well done devs, 45 limit now there's actually wars going on 
  6. 30-45 what is going on my clan has to break up into our sub-clan to war now who came up with this idea, fire them nah I'm just joking dont fire but make at least one war no maximum
  7. That 5% matter too
  8. Hey KingSpy, I just upgraded the app and now I have 999,999,999,999 billion defense!!! Cool, now am I invincible????
    Hey devs, you might want to fix this before everyone becomes invincible, then war would be boring....
  9. This lag is HORRIBLE. I know we all know about it. Can u guys give statistics of how many people play EE from the start of EE until this week? You guys have to experience this playing correct? No more items. Just fix the lag. If people didnt have clans and friends they wouldn't play this game. U gonna cause people to seriously get piss
  10. Clan match ups were better BEFORE you started putting minimums and maximums. My clan is currently warring and we have 30 and they have 49. No matter WHO is warring, 19 advantage is NOT fair. I understand strength is considered most in the matches but what about numbers? A whole clan of 50 new players could have 30 war veterans pinned. Thank you for listening.
  11. what happen dev stil in ko but still can be hit...... what the hell happen still not 15min. but again u will be hit and ko again.!!!!!!
  12. What is going on !!!we are in war and everyones ko time is 5mins all of a sudden! We had a good war going!! both teams need to be compensated for this glitch!!
  13. Both clans i mean
  14. The "4 Seasons" vs "Forty Six and Two" War 3 had a major glitch! KOs were only lasting 5 minutes for the better part of an hour and it seriously effected the flow of the War. We would like to see steps taken to ensure this doesn't happen again as well as reparations to the losing side whom spent resources on a war that had a false outcome. Ty and May the Force be with you all.
  15. Our war was a Great War until the kO glitch happen to fall during our xtal blitz, I really would have loved to see what the final true outcome would have been, too bad since it was a great Great War for the first 3 hours. Grats to 42/6 regardless 
  16. 46/2 my apologies, tired lol.