Re: New Forum Moderators! ... Just the only thing I wish Kaw would add is who is the responsibility that the forum mod can do and can't and can the regular mods do the Sam stuff as forum mod... Wish they explained more
Re: New Forum Moderators! Devs, it would have been nice if you spent the extra five minutes to list requirements, how you get selected, etc. Because now your going to get bombed with questions here, feedback and email... :|
Re: New Forum Moderators! Devs, it would have been nice if you spent the extra five minutes to list requirements, how you get selected, etc. Because now you're going to get bombed with questions here, feedback and email... :|
Re: New Forum Moderators! Forum mods have an enhanced toolbox. It is not better or worse than a regular mods toolbox. It is simply different. Forum mods have the ability to combat spam much more effectively. They can also enforce ToU in forum now through in acting a "forum silence". Those who are silenced can still lurk forums, but, they will be prevented from posting. Forum silencing will greatly aid in combating situations like this . Forum silencing will also help with keeping blatant flamers from ruining threads. Forum silences are not handed out lightly, and they aren't handed out with out proper warnings first. As your forum moderator, I am here to facilitate open discussions, not crush them.
Re: New Forum Moderators! Congrats Moose! Glad to have you back, and damn you're looking good in orange
Re: New Forum Moderators! Glad to know that moose... But can a Fmod(forum mod)not have the anything diffrent than a Rmod(regular mod)
Re: New Forum Moderators! Snowman I'm just assuming this but I'm thinking that forum moderators, moderating capabilities only applies to forums. So once they close forums and enter back into the game, they are just a normal player like you and I. Where as Moderators have moderating capabilities in game and on forums. That's just my guess, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: New Forum Moderators! Forum mods can do all normal things that regular mods can do. The reason we have an enhanced toolbox is simply because we spend the majority of KaW here in forum. We are not better than the other mods. We are not special. We are simply mods who dedicate the majority if their time serving the community in a different way
Re: New Forum Moderators! We can still silence for wall and wc violations. It only makes sense to leave us with those capabilities, as we will encounter them from time to time, but our focus is HERE.