Improving Moderator and Community Relationships

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Shutting the barn door after the horses left are we? You lost 2 great Mods and I imagine you'll never replace.
    Wulf's threads are used in every clan in Kaw.
    Mooses contribution to the forum read by everyone. The stupid forum aside they are decent considerate adults. I'll never understand why anyone would want the job.
    Just another really ******* stupid dev move
  2. For once I support the forum nerds, you lost mods that knew how to do their job and they did it well......FOR FREE!!!! And you replaced them with what???? Lol
  3. thanks reading this just showed me i got silenced my 2nd time for nothing…grrrrrr
  4. 10th comment on 1st page... I think. I would rather NOT be paid if I were mod to be honest. And I know it doesn't sound modest, but I really do think I'd make a good mod. Australian timezone, and I like to make sure bypasses and spammers are all silenced and dealt with. If volunteer if I could, but unfortunately I'm not yet old enough.
  5. Thanks for the explanation.
  6. More eyes on the screen will see more spam, bypassing, etc. ... on the other side it will also lead to more wrong decisions.

    I support to have more Mods, but not with the kind of rules we have at the moment:

    1.) Getting silenced for a bad offence counts as much as being silenced for a stupid reason (3 offenses = silenced forever).
    2.) Decisions (penalties) should proofed before giving them - so we should also have a court.
    3.) Offenses should be deleted after some time.

    There have been many good suggustions in the threats I wrote before - no one is perfect, but ATA should take more care about the players opinion because at the end they have their income by their customers. And customers should be treaten well.

  7. Going by actions from Mod team today, i would suggest you have a long long long way to go....

    Or am i in breach of RoC by saying that? 
  8. Any one knows what's the point of having bronze bars?
  10. Ive ended up just saying i wont spend a dime till the moderator system is fixed. The only moderators who listened to ideas i had (moose and wulf) have left that rank. Only Drgnblade out of the new moderators is trusted by me. Sorry to the others, but most of the people i know have never heard of you (eagle, logical, petal).
  11. wabbsy too, and where you just born trusting drgnblade? they where chosen on thier experience not thier reputation. As is often the case. :roll:
  12. Born trusting drgn? Nope, just a player who knows his way around the game and has proved to be a helpful and enjoyable time in the forums.
  13. And btw, speak with your main if you have one.

    If you dont have a main, then you cannot talk to anyone about experience, you only have 7 day achievement.
  14. Sorry not all Mods are impartial they sit in clans
  15. I'm new and I got silenced why?
  16. I'm new and I didn't know that I done anything offencive in World chat
  17. Is that right get silenced 1nce and perm? That not right that happened to me
  18. I left you instructions on your wall Dundee. This is not the place to complain about a silence, so please discontinue posting on this thread unless you have something relevant to the topic to discuss.
  19. Just a suggestion devs, but maybe try drafting your own mods instead of letting people apply? It may take a little more time but guaranteed It will be more efficient. Anyone with half a brain can put a decent application together and tell u what u want to hear, yet u have people out here in kaw community helping people everyday that should be mods but will never apply for it. Just my two cents.