Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I like unicorns

    Without the spaces between "]" and "i"
    And "s" and "["
  2. Take your practice to this thread please. :)
  3. No ado you edit on photo bucket
  4. What should my exact buildings be for a Hybrid leaning towards spy stats be and where should they be? (lowlands or highlands)
  5. @q keep building level three SOS'a
  6. Answer mine plz
  7. Grammar, do I not need def buildings? A d no volaries?
  8. Shadows repost question please
  9. Ask once or a million times, the answer will remain the same. Don't waste your breathe.
  10. The answer to that question shall be, wait for it... NO!!!
  11. can someone get a mod to ban that idiot?
  12. wow. such epic noob.
  13. ^^^sorry what was that? Can someone farm me until I quit? Sorry if I'm wrong dyslexia has been acting up
  14. i mean...if you really want me to. i guess i could farm you until you reset. :|
  15. Word, you won't touch my smile.
  16. Didn't mean you word, god you guys all post so quickly