Money(of course) ;)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *UveBinHad (01), Apr 25, 2010.

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  1. How can I get a steady income of cash going? Seems right now that the only way of gaining money is through 'volley' or attacking.. And it's pretty hard getting wins lately for me ;) so any advice or strategy on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Win little by little save up ur money and buy allies (increased plunder bonus and when they sell u get more cash then what u payed) allies r the way to go
  3. Hit an OSF for wins, master quests, or steal to suplement your income
  4. Wow shifter didn't tell you to reset!
  5. I'm not totally evil Hules
  6. Osf= open spy farm
  7. Open Secret Farm. See thier thread in the alliances section. Pure spies with 5 free wins a day or more depending
  8. Ya shifter but then where's all the fun?
  9. Their is always tomoro or the nxt day Hules
  10. Not always, because tomorrow might not never come
  11. ....stop being a pessamist
  12. I'm just quoting David Lee Roth
  13. Congratzī”
  14. Screw you
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