Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How about 5 days is that long enough and hundreds of emails
  2. how much do you get back for selling a building?
  3. Hell lwww you like to have it done with this game
  4. why is no one doing cave of riches?
  5. Is that seriously a question?
  6. Because its a hard eb to complete midweek, try to find some at the weekend.
  7. yeah. a friend of mine has been looking for one all day. then i started looking a little bit ago. i can't find one. its weird.
  8. TT is a lot harder to find. I was lucky to get a double drop.
  9. i guess i just didn't remember them being that hard. been a looong time since i did one.
  10. Where is dilly bar? Who is he?
  11. Dillbat retired; forner mod.
  12. Why was MMs name taken from this thread and replaced with Dilly's? :|
  13. Because Dilly originally made the thread.
  14. Bar* not bat
  15. :( I miss Dilly, and whole of CoS, man good times as my CoS_xX_Fight-Knight_Xx acc... :(

    Now my question: What's the percent you get back on selling items?