SoS Plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlII-jeffrontaine-lIllI, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Can someone please give me a link to a thread that explains it or explain it to me?
  2. Buildings and lands by wulf
  3. What part of that thread?
  4. I'll break it down. If you have 1/3 SoS and 2/3 guilds, then if you add any more SoS your ally plunder will go drastically go down. It will go down until the ratio is about 2/3 SoS and 1/3 guilds.
  5. However 3/3 SoS will reap less ally plunder than 3/3 Guilds
  6. I have a alt going for spy build so is it best for all SOS for plunder or all guild