im new please help me out

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *PROJECT1991 (01), Jan 7, 2013.

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  1. HopesNDreams. You can follow me, or I can post my 1v1 declaration on you in forums. Your choice. Private or public?
  2. I for once can agree with Akem here.. Instead of being worthless pricks that think by a couple of stupid remarks is what a forumer is, just volley the kid for free gold.
  3. Area has the right idea
  4. He's been volleyed to 2 bil and he hasn't built anything. we got a winner over here
  5. Well it's not free gold for me... 500,000 is free gold for me
  6. Seriously people? Do you have to be wankers to new players? Imagine if you had just started a new app and all you got is hate? I'd leave straight away. Picking on new players will get you no respect from me, and although I can't say about others, I'm pretty sure they agree.

    Follow me op and I'll try to Answer any questions you may have.
  7. What build does he want?
  8. Use that big brain to figure out what PM stands for. Ill give you a little hint. It starts with privat and ends in essage. Figure the rest out
  9. Shadow don't hate me I said that and I'm sorry and I hired him a few times to make up for it.
  10. You're not the one who said it first, and you're lucky I don't farm those a fifth my size
  11. I didn't say it first but I'm just as sorry unless the guy who did say it first doesn't care
  12. He's the one getting trouble... At least you hired the guy. Just shhh, let the thread die
  13. this does not belong in forums
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