The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. .-. Are you KIDDING me? My winter break ended five days ago.
  2. Have fun with that.
  3. BAHAHAHAHA! I was in Disneyland the past 4 days or so.

    I'm so sorry. (>°~°)>
  4. I went to Disneyland once.
    Wasn't really that impressed.
  5. Hey Smighter, haven't seen you since the Writer's clan.
    Geez that was a long time ago.
  6. ..........

    If I had the stats, I would attempt to farm you right now.
  7. Ya, I know right
  8. Inactivity is a ***** no?
  9. I can still farm Para's sorry ass.

  10. No you can't, jerk bucket.
  11. This is a big thread
  12. Soon it shall be big enough to house Feather's Ego.
  13. Does he still have that?
  14. Unless he was recently rejected, yes. Unfortunately.
  15. Then I made a funny :3
  16. Hahaha you two crack me up
  17. I was in eagle's old clan.

    At some point in time.
  18. :3 At some point in time.