The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Hai Smighter ;D
  2. I'm definitely not here!

    *Changes name back to CoS_HeavyWeaponsPanda* :p
  3. I've been forced to pack up my things, as we're repainting my room (we're moving).

    I feel like I'm in university already.
  4. All kangaroos must one day leave the pouch
  5. Hai panda/mal.

    Nova/Candi YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE IN 6 YEARS. Sorry for caps but they're necessary. Calm down.

    I feel like I'm the only one without two names.
  6. Other than eagle. *high five*
  7. At least we're in it together :(
  8. The two people here who don't have split name disorder.

    Or are you the same people? XD
  9. What are you talking about??????? They've found out my secret.... *nervous laugh*
  10. Out of the shadows I come, swiftly,
    Like darkness itself.
  11. Welcome back, feather. Where ya been?
  12. Everywhere.

    I've been... Adapting.
  13. ^ Namely China?
  14. Oh.

    Hello, Feather. Sorry to say, you missed my alt-identity crisis.
  15. Also,

    PACKING YOUR LIFE INTO A BOX IS NOT FUN. Actually, several boxes. My books alone didn't fit in one box. :(
  16. I disagree. I moved from my amazingly small room, upstairs, to a room 4x bigger downstairs.
  17. But I'm moving.

    Sniffle. (I have both attachment and commitment issues. Which are opposites.)
  18. I'm so very sorry.

    School starts tomorrow. D: I HAIGHT YOU SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL