Hitting Chongo_Hombre

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by fluffles, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. The grim reaper beckons.
    [​IMG] I feel his icy grip around my throat. The breath of his hounds at my heels. The unrelenting rat-tat-tat of his scythe on my chamber door. [​IMG] And you with your blithe request. You only hasten his inevitable triumph. Is that what you desire? Is that what you desire? [​IMG]

    I only asked you to hit Chongo_Hombre
    hitting Chongo_Hombre? Do you have any idea what could happen to me whilst hitting Chongo_Hombre? Somebody could do this whilst I hit Chongo_Hombre: [​IMG]

    Fine then I'll hit him.
    Lol random post I made due to the lack of fan fiction nowadays. :lol: :roll:
    Happy KaWing!
  2. 
  3. Lol this thread doesn't show up in my active topics but I see it here. :|
  4. Oh my gosh pure genius
  5. I kinda wish you didn't post this in FF. But hell, what do I know? Cough.
  6. dont double post plz