Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What's the devs email? Sorry I'm too lazy to look for it
  2. I know you used to get perm items for reset. But i was toldyou no longer do, is this true? If not what are the rewards for reset at having 25 lands unlocked?
  3. You don't get rewards anymore, if you reset you just get a shiny achievement badge at 25 lands.
  4. So theres no actual point? The reward was the incentive to reset, why did they take it away?
  5. People abused it, like they do with everything else in games. They find a way to abuse things and they do it...over and over and over again.
  6. If I have a guild hansel alt is it better to go with guilds on highlands or go straight to lvl 1 volary
  7. I'm no hansel expert, but I would go straight to volaries. Guild hansel has best plunder (beside volary hansel) so you will get all that gold faster if you are active.
  8. How do I post pics on threads
  9. Get photobucket, get the img code for the picture, then copy and paste it
  10. red paladin equipment

    when are the next paladin equipments due for release
  11. Hasn't been announced yet, person.
  12. It should be announced tomorrow.
  13. amen and halle bloody lujah
  14. I'm trying to post pics in forum and I heard u need photobucket but how u find out the code to copy and paste to post pic?
  15. The img code
  16. Just a quick little guide:

    1. Download photobucket
    2. Upload the picture
    3. View your pictures (in Photobucket)
    4. Press the little white 'i' in the top right corner of the page, it will bring up a list of links.
    5. Hold down your finger on the IMG link (it will automatically copy it to your clipboard)
    6. Post to forums :D
  17. This was from memory, and I haven't done it in some time, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works :)
  18. @ Ferbie

    Once you have Photobucket, you need to upload the pictures to your Photobucket account.

    Make sure you size the uploads so the will fit the forum parameters. (300x300 works for me)

    Once in your album, click the picture and you'll see a window on the bottom right with codes.

    Copy and paste the IMG code to your forum post.
  19. LOL you're fast man.