ugh...FIIIIINE In the back, first cabinet on your left. Pfft. And you guys say im no fun. Pfftttttttt.
You all have inspired my lazy ass to cut open a tube of cookie dough and dig in. Its too late to justify "baking" cookies.
Mm, I had a white chocolate covered Oreo leftover from the Christmas cookies earlier... Not really legit cookie, but delicious.
Plain old cookie dough.. Oh yes. Willy, you have the right idea. Nova, that looks like an abomination.. Can I haz some?
It was a delicious abomination. There's still one more downstairs. But it's all mine. ... Okay, I'll share.
Nomnomnom. Anyways, my phone is melting into a little puddle of help my battery is dying, so I'm off for the night. Nice seeing everyone
Goodnight! I think it'd be best for me to get some sleep as well. G'night everyone. See ya'll tomorrow??
I'll bb tomorrow for certain, probably. :3 Meanwhile I'll be on tonight. And till bout 1 Pacific time.
And zaln, I seem to remember you writing a story to do with dragons. Twas quite good. Dragon fire? Something like that.
Hey guys! Remember the old Writer's Clan? That one was great haha. G'morning, Nova. Haha, sometimes I try to sleep until noon but It doesn't work. My parents always wake me up :/ @Smighter, yes Dragon Fire! Zaln, you should finish that one.
@senorita, then it wouldn't be any fun Clans and alliances is usually full of desperate peoplez I woke up at 11:23! I don't seem to quite remember the writer's clan
I don't believe you I'm gonna write a FanFic etiquette thread because we really do need one. I'll be busy