The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Sorry for the randomly depressed stuff. Ya know....
  2. No, it's fine. Poetry is poetry, no matter how it's expressed.
  3. Most. Not all...about all we can hope for, really.

    I kinda wish there was a way to jump start fan fic though.

    And yeah, don't worry about it. Gotta get your feelings out sometimes. God knows I've written some depressing stuff
  4. And, Irin, post what you wrote. I'd like to read it, as would many.

    I don't know why I stay here, I guess I'm just too clingy. Back in those golden days I mostly lurked, rarely posted. Took but didn't give. Am I attempting to give back? No idea. I really don't understand myself sometimes.

    Hm, well the thread cheese made certainly raised awareness of FanFic. Perhaps we should just make a thread telling everyone we're here. Plenty of people showed support for bringing FF to AC, but it just didn't happen. Certain mod(s) didn't approve and his followers attempted to take over.
  5. I understand. It's hard to let go sometimes. Fan fic helped me through some of the tougher times in my life. But a thread sounds like a good idea. Maybe we could try it?

    I'll get ready to post what I've written so far now. Maybe i'll actually get around to finishing it haha
  6. Well aint this all monkey shartings. Seems like we got us a legit pity party here =_=

  7. The common link I see in threads nowadays is everyone talking about the past and how awesome it was.

    It makes someone like me pensive about posting on this thread. Because I feel like I'm intruding on a 2 year old conversation. :lol: Like plopping myself down at your table in a cafe, and trying to keep up.

    I've tried to involve myself in FF, but found it mostly unresponsive.

    Nice to meet you all, perhaps join us on the other categories. It has its moments. :cool:
  8. Hey Irin. I do believe the last time you appeared I attempted to capture you with a masterball, hah.

    I do believe FF's turning into a little bit of a cesspit. There are popular moderators who are quite strongly against even the idea of it, which is a shame. That, in turn, influences so many others. Always, "why don't you join a legit writing community?" Why don't you join a legit politics forum, when you talk about politics and the other things in OT? Just... A shame.
  9. Also, I find it quite pathetic when I'm excited that there are other people posting here at the same moment as I do.

    Jus' saying.
  10. Hello Willy and welcome, whoever you are : P

    HAI ZALN! *fanboy wave*
  11. Haha, Nova, I know how you feel.
  12. I've read a couple of your stories, Willy. (That being said, I think you've only posted "a couple.") Unsurprisingly, they're quite well written.

    Although, to be involved with FF, you really just have to talk. That's why there are so many that come and go just as soon, they stick to their own threads and are too shy to say hello and say, "I'm here! I'm here!" (That wasn't a Dr. Seuss reference, by the way. I think.)
  13. Hello everyone, new faces and old. How is everyone today?
  14. Alright. I guess.....Phee! Squishy doesn like his new name
  15. I wouldn't call it daytime anymore, considering it's 8:12 Pacific time. Unless 4 AM whatever the British TZ is counts as daytime... Just messing around. :D I'm a little tired, but doing okay, I think.

    As for Squishy, tell him to go complain to someone who cares.
  16. brb parents kicking me off for now
  17. Oooh new faces!

  18. I'm no snob.

    Truth be told, I would walk into a random cafe and sit down next to you. But, any friendly conversation around, and I am intrigued.

    Who's got scones?
  19. Wait, I'm confused. Who's squishy?

    See ya soon, Smighter!

    And Zaln, please don't scare them off, lol.

    I'm not sure about scones, but I do know that I have some Cheesecake and some Writer's Rum!
  20. Thank you Nova.

    Irin, I am giving up Rum for the next few months. Too many Eggnog specials for this guy of late.