Maybe you missed the part where you take a hansel with wicked high BFA, equip stats, and full pots, and PIN THE TOWER BUILD. Problem solved Clan full of tower builds vs clan full of hansels, wanna guess who wins?
If u people with tower builds believe it isn't an exploit then you should have no problem with another tower build being able to hit you. If u do have a problem with it then you are aware it is an exploit and only defend the build because u don't want to lose the exploit. Simple
No other build has this advantage. As well no build should. If u have troops someone should be able to hit those troops. I do however like the strategy it requires but would like to see them opened to other tower builds like a hansel is open to other hansels. U speak of "strategy" and the excitement of it. U should want other tower builds to be able to hit you so u can form yet another strategy to defend against it. Of course no one with a tower build wants to lose this exploit tho because they would lose this exploit and have to actually use strategy to war lol.
It's not against TOU to have a strong defence whether spy/defence. U wanna b able to utilise the game mechanics?? Change ur build, STOP CRYING.
@ Leyla Nobody said it was against TOU. It is a game mechanic. Completely legal. I wouldn't change my build, though. I would like to wait until some sort of decision is made. I would hate to change to this build and have the mechanic nerfed.
Y'all are forgetting about the true ee powerhouse. The hybrid with 200tr allies Not that I have 200tr lmao
Everyone saying "if everyone can do it, it's not wrong" you are full of crap. "Everyone" could have maestro keyed osfs. Players were banned. "Everyone" can buy illegal mochi or iTunes cards. Yet that is banned. "Everyone" can consolidate EB plunder to a single account yet that is banned. The devs make holes - inadvertently I'm sure - yet the payment in the past for exploiting these holes has been severe. I'd be perfectly okay if "cheating" the game mechanics were just permitted and not ignored. But it hasn't been and this hole should be sealed. It's total ******** and - between this and the absolute printing of money (inflation!!), the game has lost a ton of its edge.
But Matt. None of those things you mentioned are builds lol. This is a build with a mech that the devs didn't think about. Probably bevause once they released eb's they didn't think anyone would put up that many towers
Meh, I'll say this much.. In MG, towards the start of beta wars we faced apoc. Fantastic war and very fun. That being said a lot of their clan used tower heavy, and several used the actual tower build. The end result was MG won by a landslide. My point being.. With the proper teamwork and coordination these targets can be handled. It's one thing to talk about it in theory, and another to actually face one of these groups with a proper lot of your own. This is on a massive clan scale anyways. Boiling down to singular targets, I'll admit hands down I'm a tad biased. Sacrifices are made for that build - however it's without doubt worth it ten fold. I don't think the mechanics should be totally trashed. I would like the scale to be evened up though to where other tower builds for example could hit "dtw" t. builds. Slight adjustments would probably bring more overall happiness to a needed change than just trashing the build all together
From my recent experience, warring a few tower builds are ok. Just ignore them, and everything is all right. But a clan like Taka...That's another story...I believe that a slight adjustment is needed
Glad this thread has inspired some thought-provoking conversation on the subject. Apologies that I haven't been able to monitor it as closely as I generally would, but holidays, travel, work, etc get hectic for everyone. That being said, I understand many of the "punishments" I suggested in the OP are extremely radical, but this was not without purpose. In order to even attempt change, one often must start at a drastic, even outlandish level. I do not expect anyone to be banned, but I did provide examples of similar instances where "exploits" were banned. Furthermore, I doubt that wins and/or equipment will be stripped away, though I did again provide examples of such actions. I would, however, (and I'm clearly not alone) like to see the mechanics loophole changed. I hear these words every day in this game, "It's a war game, get over it," or, "It's a war game, just fight back." Well, I see something I don't agree with that many along with me feel could potentially damage the game moving forward. So here we stand...Fighting back.
We fight against new ZAFT and they were full of this tower builds .... so maybe ppl who think about using hansels against them should try it..... it's impossible, especially when is matchup totally destroyed..... 76 ppl against 96 ZAFT hitters, thx ... will we do estock in future under these conditions????? I thought that dtw means = zero troops, but as I see devs support this cheating builds ... prepare that all clans will have tower builds soon.... some of them have it now and use this advantage
Btw respect to ZAFT hitters they were awesome and we unprepared against their tower builds. But I will be happy if devs do something with lags during wars. I could push button quickly, but if enemy hits comes in two waves with 20 attacks in 1 sec it's impossible defend or self kO....