To find out about EB Drops go Forums --> Strategy --> And the Stickied guide by Wulf called Epic Battles- Warning Spoiler Alert --> And scroll down on the first page
How many actions is one full troop unload (not balanced buildings which have 2 Xtra hits) and how many is a spy unload?
Vinnie, troop unload is 24, and depending on what action your doing. I know assassinations are 36 and scouts are 78/79 I'm not sure about steals though
In the "top players" section of ebs, does the plunder include what a player made during the eb from Att/Steals?
@silver somtimes it wont pop up right so just back out to home screen and try again. I have the same problem n
If anyone's here... How do I change the number of pixels on photobucket pics. Can't upload cuz apparently it's too big