@/8 ACES N EIGHTS @/8 estoc recruitment center.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Because lovely can't keep control of the clan.
  2. What a shame
  3. I kept control of the clan.
    Most of them are new and eager, but they got off after I told them to.
  4. OP I'll be back in your newsfeed after EE.
  5. Bumped for more members
  6. Arbiter? I swear u were jumping around clans about 2 days ago... Cause according to history, you appeared in my 2 alts' clans and my main clan...
  7. I wallsurf, profile surf… I surf.

    Anyways, I did see Arbiter in other clan(s), just don't know which.
  8. 6m cs? Come estoc war with us @ 23 and 1 10 wins 1 loss
  9. That's what I call lame... posting your own recruitment on the recruitment page of another clan. 

    big disapointment in 23 n 1....
  10. Epic fail to you shenron
  11. I'm coming for Friday's war and maybe Saturday's depending on my schedule.
  12. Cool man,thank you for your support
  13. Arbiter loves warring ? He qqed to hisd clan fo 40 hits by someone 3x lower than him :D