Change Veil of Evasion to Spell of Activation

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mossy71, Dec 12, 2012.


    Inactives are a build in weakness for clans. The opt-out spell allowed people who need to opt out and are responsible enough, to do so. And it still put clan leaders on edge, requiring them to check for Inactives and kick before war.

    Clans who are more careful and spend extra time to check for Inactives should have the edge over another clan full of them.

    Opting in is for the lazy clans who don't like to do this. So no support. Opt-in spells will take the inactives component out of war and make it easier. It's your fault you can't keep track of members. Not anyone else's.
  2. Very good idea. Was thinking of something like this myself, but you've managed to iron out the problems I've been having.
  3. Trinnie. Have you ever owned a clan?
    Would you wanna post
    "Activity Check: reply in 3 days or be kicked"
    On 50 different walls weekly, or even biweekly?
  4. I delegate the responsibility to any one of my 10 or so admin. I hate posting walls and changing titles just as much as the next person. But when you use teamwork, it's done before you know it.
  5. Support
    I have had times where I had forgotten to veil or timed it wrong and was forced to war when I didn't want to. This would fix that possible issue.
  6. Drgn- I'd be fine with that. But then I'd have assign admins to certain groups. Then to make sure the admins were doing it.
    And if they weren't, remove that admin, and assign their numbers to the other admins.

    Most of the members in my clan aren't used to activity checks, so it's new to them. So assigning someone new to the checks to do the checking is like asking a bank robber to count your gold.
  7. This makes much sense !!!
  8. It would mess match ups worse then they are now. You would still be matched up as active regardless of this.
    Plus this could lead to turtle wars.
  9. Ok after rereading i get what you are long as you have to activate it before your clan signs up.
  10. I just realized what about people who do not have alchemist how do they cast this veil
  11. Alchemist is now available to all players. Spells are locked but veil open to all
  12. Deni, Yes I have. And even now, when I'm not the owner of the clan I am in. I post walls before war. Several times per wall (feel free to check members wall, I'm not joking I practically harass them). And your statement actually proved my point. Clans dedicated to war don't mind spending the time to check for activity and kick inactives. The veils as of now will favor these clans over clans who wouldn't put in the effort. Which I believe is a good thing.
  13. Hi trinnie, glad you can be so organised to always be available to your clan. My idea was really to cover those circumstances where the owner isn't available to kick inactive admins for whatever real life reason. Admins can kick the rest.
  14. Supports to the intewegant peoplz