We are looking into how we can tweak the Estoc's Edge bonus such that we can support the social structure of the game. The idea you came up with could work, but we are looking for a more elegant solution. Creating relationships like this creates a large overhead for the game to manage.
Until further notice, every week will have to same war times. When we introduce weekday wars and 2 hour wars, we may tweak the schedule once again.
Developing it this way would lock us into a 3-event system, which would have very confusing when we create weekend events. We will most likely change the 48 veil to 72 hours so that a player can skip the entire weekend. I hope that helps
Already addressed this earlier, it has a lot of implications and overhead. We cannot implement this at this time, however, it is something we can look into once we have solved other issues. We are looking to see if we can add a timer to the "You are KO'ed" message to include the time before you are coming out of KO. The items given out in the summer wars were meant to be extremely powerful items that only the top players in the game would possess. However, over time, we will slowly bridge this gap. We will be increasing the payouts in the wars such that you'll have more resources to purchase and enchant with. Thanks for your feedback!
I think it's awesome that you guys are addressing everyone's concerns here kaw_admin. Thanks for taking the time to actually listen, and give us feedback into what you guys have planned for possible tweaks and changes.
Yes, we have considered this option in the past. However, there is currently nothing in place that will allow players to cast spells on another player. Once everything else is settled, we can start looking at it once again.
There were several reasons why we did this * We did not want the strongest players in the game to band together to form All-Star teams, and making it hard for other clans to win wars. * We want to encourage clan unity, which I agree, hasn't panned out as we had hoped. * Without this check in place, there are possible exploits. Unfortunately, I do not want to bring up the scenarios for this. Not going to encourage behaviour that we don't want here.
Okay, I've caught up with most of the questions here. We will be doing a Estoc Trial post for this week soon, with what to expect in this weekend's wars.
What Gabriel put earlier was a good idea. Giving clan owner choice to veil members. As we had a member that lost his phone and couldn't get on he had lv4 EE but we had to kick him a big hitter so would loose alot to leaks. Touch we still feel guilty for kicking you
Kaw_admin, your idea of buy, cast, buy, cast, buy, cast sounds great. But what if I have 5 Mithril? Are you enabling people with under 6 to purchase? Or only people with 0? If its the latter, and I have 5, I can cast the two spells that cost 1. What do I do with the other 3? we have to spend them on name color changes/hide allies to get to 0 so we can buy more to cast the other spells?
I don't think elimination of FF is right. Because enemy are getting pain when all of them are KO. If people complain less mith from 2h FF, please change more mith pay from 2h FF.
Once all enemies are in KO situation and big plunder gap, there is a no point to keep waring anymore. Please think about this, Kaw_admin.
Not sure if this has been posted before but I like the idea that if your matchup is not within say 20% of your clan strength then I personally would rather get a message saying " no match found" or something along those lines. Having a fair war is more fun than a blow out in either direction and would prefer not to war. That also along with the idea of showing where your clan stacked up would allow you to add or drop a few warring members for the next round to achieve your desired match up. I understand that if clans ranked 1,2,3 and 15 sign up the logical match is 1 vs 2 and 3 vs 15 but that is far too large of a difference when in the higher ranking levels. Thanks for giving feedback on our concerns
@kaw_admin what are the chances of adding another war slot earlier in the day on friday or even earlier in the week for players whos real life schedules are already booked, in order to give ALL players a better chance at earning mith, now that it isn't ever going to be for sale again?