People, STOP POSTING WITHOUT READING!!!! It's been posted and answered multiple times already. 6 Mithril sale is perfect for war for those with 0 mith. Again we will explain: With 0 mith buy 6. Cast the 6 mith attack spell. You are back at 0. Now buy 6 more mith. Cast the 6 mith spy spell. You are back at 0 mith. Now buy 6 more mith. Cast the last 2 mith spells at a cost of 1 mith each. Now you have 4 mith left. Congrats. You can now change your name color 4 times before next war.
Really could use CM-sticky's proposed "Veil of Marital Illusion" spell to get through the weekend wars. Will be needing a similar "Veil of Apparent Work Ethic" to be able to complete the proposed weekday Estocs. Please implement devs, thanks.
Why are people asking for a ko timer it's 15min it's always 15min look in your news when you're at 14min after being ko'd start trying to hit your chosen target util it doesn't say your ko'd
I want a system that lets clan individuals choose which wars they want to join themselves then relays that to admin and owner so we know if we have 30 actives.
@Gabriel, maybe you can point me to the specific post where that question has been answered by the developers. The way I understood it is 6 total. You buy 6 mith and you're capped for the day. The way you're describing it is 18 total
Hi Drgn. How are you? Kaw admin answered this directly on page 10 post 6. And it's been reposted a few more times. Hope that clears things up.
Hmmm. So I was pointed in the right direction of kaw_admins post regarding the number of mith you can buy. Thank you, and my bad. Not sure how I missed that post..?:
From what I've noticed, the ko timer isn't actually 15 minutes. It seems you come out of ko when you are 20% troops. I'll take a break and let you all do some math. "But Draxton" you say. "It takes 15 minutes to regen to 20% troops!" Say you get KOed with 1.5 minutes left on your regen timer. So that regen clicks over, the after 5 minutes another and a final one 5 minutes after that. You are now out of ko with 20% troops ad after only 11.5 minutes! I thought 15 minutes seemed weir because I come out of ko AFTER 15 minutes possibly at 20 minutes. Possibly do to the odd regen of the balanced building which gives extra troops and hence, takes longer to regen to 20%
draxton the KO timer is exactly 15 minutes (to the second? Unknown). If you do get ko'd and your regen just happens to occur near or that moment, when you come out of KO you will be near or at 4 regens worth of troops/spies. I was fortunate in the last war we fought to have my regen timer very close to the KO several times. This was not always the case though.
It's 15 minutes not 20%. Have never seen anyone come out of ko before 15min. If u get ko again before u can hit... U just got somebody sittin on u.
And Support III_The_Dark_Knight_III's proposals. His proposals thus far have been spot on. Full or partial regen would help prevent estoc wars from becoming pure turtle wars, which they are becoming. This should be tested in trials.
I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. I just could have sworn it took me 20 minutes to come out of regen an not 15. I'll time better this weekend.
I keep it short. #1 the lags destroy all the fun in these wars. Last time my alt got killed 2 times, with about 9 actions incoming all at once. Even with fast Wlan idevice accounts have to much disadvantadge this way. #2 mithril sale. Why not just allow anyone to buy 1 mithril each day? Or allow anyone to buy until he reaches 14 mithril in stock?
The enchanment fails is working as designed. However, we are going to be increasing Mithril payouts. We will release more information regarding this soon.