I think -lightsaber- meant nobs. You can get nobs from quests already completed, but you don't get xtals from quests already completed.
Yes you can. The drop rate is just like very tiny. You will only get a crystal drop once or maybe twice in your KaWreer.
Why isit that some kingdom with 0 troops are not dtw? Like when i hit someone, it loses 0 soldiers but i can continue my attacks
If they are pure spy they have no troops to start with, this means they are at 100% troops all the time and can be attacked until; A) They go under 20% spies B) They run out of gold
Oops. 50 lands. Fully upgraded guilds. 1 attack building. Fully upgraded castle. What are the spy cs.
There are a few build calculators out there. IMO the one Wulf put together is the best one. kawregulators.com/BUILD%20CALC.xls You can look at it and figure out the CS of whatever build you like.
Youre looking at: 334,498 334,498 718,000 718,000 Thats with a lvl 3 colony and max guilds otherwise.