I think the bonus is from 'plunder' which doesn't include the 'ally bonus' section (when u attack)... This is why the Spy/hansel builds are complaining that estoc doesn't benefit them, since they rely upon the ally bonus (why they complaining! they get best plunder with/without estoc!) ^^its about time the devs actually gave a slight bonus to attack builds :roll:
@kaw_admin, how can we know if the other clans veil spell will last the whole war when we are going through there war roster for out strategy in the war? Will you do this for the other clan to v? or am I not remembering correctly and you actually show who is active for the opponents as soon as you get matched up?
I agree with dawg on this. You need to create another attack type called ambush or something like that. If you know spies are infiltrating your kingdom in a war, maybe you'll set up an ambush. Maybe it does half as much damage and brings in half as much plunder, but it kills some spies. Another alternative would be to have a mith spell called ambush that kills some spies if you are overwhelmingly successful in your attack (3-4 times the attack strength). Additionally, as you create 2 hour wars, can you consider additional spells that cost less mith? Perhaps a spell that lasts 2.5 hours for 1 mith (battle fog) and can be cast in lieu of battle fury and fog of war. It would be nice to have a shorter version of the 12 hour spells too, especially as 2 hour wars are introduced. I think you get the idea.
Would be nice if we could get "edge" back for home clan. This would still help clan cohesiveness, while allowing movement
@Kaw Admin. Are you guys going to fix the problem with the amount of fails on echantments done on new equipment?
In the last 2 weeks I participated in 5 of your new wars. Being on the winning side 4 of 5 times. After subtracting the mith I spent in the 4 wars that were wins, I find I only got 162 mith. That's an average of 40 mith per win. Considering this is the only way to gain mith and losing a war means you get none, plus lose what you spent. Don't you think payouts should be higher? You are releasing equipment that takes 50-250 just to buy then even more to enchant.
>WhoisJohnGalt If u wanna kill spy, just build 5mil sd towers I don't think we need more build type. Kaw_admin, pls tell me. What is the Estoc benefit for spy? If no benefit, do you want spy away from war??
For everyone complaining about kaw_admin not answering all of their questions or responding to their well thought out threads. Give them some time. They're literally being bombarded with questions at the moment and can't very well answer everyone's questions all at once. I think they're doing a decent job of addressing us at the moment as it is.
Kaw_admin, How about a home clan and two ally clans? Once declared, they cannot be changed for 6 months without cost. Before 6 months, you can pay 40 bil to change home clan or 20 bil to change ally clan. After 6 months, you have the opportunity to change for a specified amount of time before it resets. EE stays when moving within those clans. Certain EE levels may only be earned in designated home or ally clan. Something like: L1/2 - anywhere L3/4 - home or ally clan L5 - home clan only
@Kaw Also I was thinking of developing a game myself, thanks to the inspiration y'all have given me by setting the bar so high I need a ship with cryo to reach it! What do you think of this.........I am thinking of a game in which two people play. Maybe there is like a game board that has a particular amount of squares. And then two people take turns putting some sort of symbol in squares of their choice and whoever gets so many in a row wins!!!! Here's the catch, It also has the ability to draw and was thinking I can capitalize on that somehow with in app purchases Still under construction tho and I have put a lot of effort into it! Any ideas on what to name it and possible marketing suggestions?? Thx
Does this mean that each weeks wars will be at the same time, rather than having changing time slots? It would appear so from your new help topic.
I suggest at least 14 mith be made available. I know most players cast all four attk/def spells which cost a total of 14 mith. Any less and those only able to cast 1-2 spells are going to be at a disadvantage.
It's all lies. They are just saying this to shut us up and because the thread that said don't spend any more $ on ata will effectively hurt their overall profits. They have said for weeks they were fixing this. They aren't fixin . Ata devs are liars and will tell us whatever they have to so we shut up. Its all lies. They never mean what they say. Hey devs. Some of us are catching on to your con artist ways. And still no update on spies gettin the plunder bonuses? Not worried about that? Is that not a problem with EE? Yea so lie about fixing matchups, yet again(not the 1st time they promised us they would fix it remember?), and not address a concern of every spy that does ur garbage new wars.
Tl;dr version. They aren't fixing anything. Just told u that to shut u up and get u to join and blow ur pots/mith/gold/time on next weekends war. Ata are liars and cheats. End of story
@kaw admin, yes it would slightly help if a list of exactly who was going to be active for the war was givin to the clan before roster is locked. Please do add that in but if you do please give the clan the list with enough time for a clan owner to tweak it after he reads the list, maybe 30 mins before roster lock? Also if you cannot let people opt in the war, I still don't see why u can't have the veil of evasion spell activate for the entire event, rather then a timed spell. That way if a clan owner says "okay we are doing all 3 Wars this weekend" and a member knows he will not be there but the 48 hour veil may not last long enough he can still cast a skip 3 Events spell without needing to come on again or being kicked, please take this change into consideration at least if u can't let ppl opt active in war 8 hr veil change to skip 1 full event 24 hr veil change to skip 2 full event 48 hr veil change to skip 3 full events This would save so much time preparing a clans roster before each war.