EB & War Payouts reactivating

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. You said via pm and news feed you were going to give me 36 more myth as a correction to the estoc war payout, but you took 16 what's up with that???? Can I have my 16 back please??? I knows the economy is tight and all, but doesn't the devs have an endless supply??? I want my 16 myth back...
  2. Re: EB

    Just warred an EE war and won. Spent 16 Mith, get 10 back and had 4 KOs...

  3. Well it looks like everyone had the same problem as me. Devs plz get back to me about the problem..... but I'm pretty sure I'm screwed .
  4. Re: EB

    Dear DEVS,
    Not trying to complain here, but jus give useful feedback. PLEASE LOOK INTO MATCHUPS!! Very unfair war!! Thanks.
  5. Re: EB

    i only got 11 mith in war but i used 14 mith and lots of pots
  6. Re: EB

    devs can u fix that?
  7. Re: EB

    same w rest of my clan
  8. Re: EB

    cuz no one likes wars if the payout is ****....
  9. Re: EB

  10. If you are not going to sell mith, you need to increase payout in war?
  11. Re: EB

    u should explain how mith bonuses work, better
  12. Re: EB

    I thought mithril spent participation? Why is it my clanmate spent 15 mithril and his payout is only 5?
  13. Re: EB

    Actually mote than 15 he used unholy aura and bloodlust total of 19 mithril and got only 5?
  14. Re: EB

    Deathcloud- you have to cast the mith before the war starts but only once the game says "the war will start an hours from now". A lot of people aren't listening to that. And I've heard that they only refund if you used one of the first 4 spells. No refunds for colors or anything else 
  15. Re: EB

    Your so worried about the correct payouts for mith why not get the war match ups correct first. Currently in war that is 82 members vs 51. Not sure how that KaW math works but its pretty messed up.
  16. Re: EB

    Wow. Came top in plunder. Most hits. High in knockouts. Spent 14 mith and got 21 back. Payout is not good. Payout needs to be a bigger incentive. War system good but sucky rewards. Billions spent in pots. Lots of unhappy folk.
  17. Re: EB

    If Mercs Legion had a more suitable match up, the war would have gone all the way and they probably would have had a better payout.

    Are devs relying too much on prestige as opposed to actual numbers available to take part in the war? If so, that's like saying a football team of 5 Lionel Messi's are an equal match to a team of 10 international players who are good, but not as good as Messi; in other words, they have not really thought this through. For prestige to mean something, devs need to look at how long a core of players remain in a clan and how big that core of players is.

    Mercs Legion are well organised, so their recent win is not merely down to having twice as many active clan members. However, this imbalance in the numbers does detract a bit from their win.

    Interested to hear from anyone who has been in a clan that WON an Estoc war when they were outnumbered 2 to 1.
  18. And before anyone says it, I'm not likening Inglorious to Messi, I am merely using an analogy as our prestige was higher than Mercs Legion. Just in case anyone was thinking that I was overrating the clan I'm in...
  19. They should triple the pay out of mith, because most weeks you are going to get a horrible match up and lose your mith it seems like! 39 members against 78 members is outrageous! how is that anywhere close to a fair match up? we wouldnt be able to beat a bunch of unorganized noobs if they out numbered us 2 to one, let alone a good clan with alot of coordination and teamwork.
  20. Re: EB

    You didnt see what happened to The Hit Squad??
    34 VS 82 players...
    Really isnt fair, especially when they are against Apocolypse...