EB & War Payouts reactivating

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Re: EB

    I now have 0 mith. All my mith has been taken away I don't know what happened but I have 0 now
  2. Re: EB

    They should take back their overpayment BUT put my upgrades and MITH back to the point it was at. Had I known that they were NOT giving back all that was spent at the start of the war - INCLUDING items I would have waited. DEVs do the right thing - take back the "overpayment" as you put it, BUT also take back the equipment I bought and return me to my ORIGINAL MITH LEVEL before the war.
  3. Re: EB

    DEVS You said: * A reminder to cast all Mithril spells after you receive the notice to cast them so that they qualify for the payout"
  4. Re: EB

    There has been feedback that the payout system is a bit confusing. To help address that, and without going into precise details about how Mithril rewards are calculated, here is a rough formula:

    "Everyone's contribution = Their Mithril Spent Their Attack Items Spent Defensive Items they cause their opponent to use"
  5. The worst is I spent mith on failing upgrades, because I thought I had some to blow! Then ya take it away! I wouldn't have wasted my mith if I knew ur was going back!! Bad call devs all us did is screw us after we already used!!!! Should have just left it and fixed for this war!!!! Thanks for this and mith payout suck btw. Not a cool move! Disappointed because like always you will do nothing to make this right!!
  6. Re: EB

    Thx devs I'm atleast back up to 13 now
  7. Re: EB

    I wrote a solution and posted it in the wars section.
  8. Re: EB

    I agree Billyboy. Most spent mith bc they thought they had so much and now 0. They should have just left the payout and fixed it for all future wars. Hey at least we got a sorry. LOL!!
  9. Re: EB

    Plz give the amount of mith back that got taken away from some of the wars. Some people like me and my alt got 300 mith and we used most of it and now it got taken away and all my mith is gone. I have 0 mith now. Plz just give it back just this once plz
  10. Re: EB

    Yea I prefer to have devs take their equipment back and return our mith..wasn't worth it..
  11. Re: EB

    We should be able to buy mith with REAL money! That way people can just buy some mith and stop complaining and the Devs get some money. Everybody wins 

    Just don't make it a ridiculous amounts of money for a few mith. Don't male it like 5 mith for $4.99. Make it like 50 mith for $4.99 so people will feel like they're winning in the transaction 
  12. Re: EB

    Not sure if this is the right place but I will post anyway. Mith payouts will be fixed which is good. As we go clarity around the mechanics of it will be set. I would like random mith drops. My reason is that if in war you get a poor match up you loose a lot of mith. If you loose all weekend you could end up with no mith. So if you can have random drops of mith during Ebs then there is a chance you can get some mith back. I don't think the drop has to be big. 5 mith maybe. I do agree the main mith payouts should be through war. Just my thoughts.
  13. Re: EB

    Please take my red helmet back and refund my 50 mith. Lots of people had spent the mith they earned during war on equipment before issue was fixed. Either leave the payout as was originally or refund folks for their equip purchases. If folks still want equip they can repurchase and re enchant
  14. Re: EB

    Yes, mith should be on oracle sales like pro pack and everyone will be happy
  15. Re: EB

    Thank you for agreeing with me XxXx-BaByPhoenox-xXxX. It's a good idea and maybe the Devs will consider is. Because if a clan looses all weekend wars, they might have 0 mith. Then that makes it even harder to win the next war because they won't have the same attacks that the other team would with the spells activated. We all know that having all of the spells activated really does help. I had zero mith before Fridays war this weekend and I saw that I failed a lot on people that has spells. There should be someway that people can still get mith. Either buying with gold in the game again (maybe a smaller maximum amour u can purchase?) or make it an in app purchase where we can buy a lot with real money
  16. Re: EB

    Nothing's wrong with me
  17. Re: EB

    I warred and got 17 mith for ko's and terrible payout. I need some way to get more mith or have it go on sale for a bit and then war. I used 13 and got 17 terrible. Still fun to war though.
  18. Re: EB

    I didnt get the mith indeserved
  19. There should be estoc trial wars every day at different times.just an idea!
  20. but clan can only war in 1 a day.so they can choose what time is best for clan