I bought the red helm and enchanted it already, but I went to alchemist (were you purchase the new equipment) and it doesn't show that I purchased the helm. It says 0/1 when I already purchased it.
Should I put this in my clan thread... It's originally wall art Ꮭινε ₪ ᎠπεαנמᎦ 2
In a system war - like the Estoc Trials - which build would get more mithril? They both have / made about the same plunder. One of the build is an attack build ( with a few spy buildings) OR the other build that is a spy build (with a few attack buildings) I'm just wondering if there was a mechanic behind this. I've been observing system war stats / payouts and even though some made about the same plunder, attack builds got more mithril. Any answers?
Well mith is paid out based on how much you contribute. Attacks - earn the most Assa - 2nd Steals - 3rd Scouts - 4th That's why attack builds usually earn more mith
when is kaw goin to give me my mith back. thay took it all from me. we won the war. and thay took my payout and my mith i already had.
There are some issues at the moment, wait a couple of hours and I'm sure devs will have sorted it out