Items are lame. Waste of mith. Lag is lame- so war sucks. You get a bad matchup you lose. Nothing else to say. Nothing to play for. Later KaW. Too bad you ruined a good thing being lazy.
Lol. New Items are awesome!war is fun!u get matched up with according players they assume all players are active so u need to make sure all are active! Players that are not warring need to cast veil spell!its a must for even matchup! If they dont kick them! If u did this they may just flat out have better war tactics!u war as a clan to win! You cant win them all!
So problem I am on android OK and I have it so that as soon as a update for kaw comes out I get it well I got it but on home screen I see a box that says Kaw on it which happens when I turn on a device or it's in middle of a update so I'm like OK I can still go on no big deal well the red paladin armour didn't appear in the alchemist for me and whenever I go to look at someone equipment and they have the red Paladin equipment it crashes on me
I can't see this! I read every spell in alchemist and nothing? I have newest cersion of kaw and I'm on iPad 2
If it ain't on iDevice just delete app and re-install it. It seems to have worked for most players trying this