First Red Paladin Items - Released!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. 600 mith gone lol... This is suck..
  2. Wow thats alot lol
  3. Items are lame. Waste of mith.

    Lag is lame- so war sucks. You get a bad matchup you lose. Nothing else to say.

    Nothing to play for. Later KaW.

    Too bad you ruined a good thing being lazy.
  4. Lol. New Items are awesome!war is fun!u get matched up with according players they assume all players are active so u need to make sure all are active! Players that are not warring need to cast veil spell!its a must for even matchup! If they dont kick them! If u did this they may just flat out have better war tactics!u war as a clan to win! You cant win them all!
  5. Can't see them on I device. Ipod
  6. I cant find the new items and i dont even have a new update for KaW what happen?wew
  7. Got mine up to level 5! :) cost me like 146 mith lol it got to lvl 6 but went back down to 3...
  8. So problem I am on android OK and I have it so that as soon as a update for kaw comes out I get it well I got it but on home screen I see a box that says Kaw on it which happens when I turn on a device or it's in middle of a update so I'm like OK I can still go on no big deal well the red paladin armour didn't appear in the alchemist for me and whenever I go to look at someone equipment and they have the red Paladin equipment it crashes on me
  9. Cant see them on my ipad and no update also wew
  10. Can't see it on alchemist... On ipod. Help?
  11. I can see it on iPad but not on my main on iPhone5. Both apps updated according to app store.
  12. War starts in 4 hours join now for mith
  13. i have ipod touch an no new stuff shows up
  14. I can't see this! I read every spell in alchemist and nothing? I have newest cersion of kaw and I'm on iPad 2
  15. I can't find it. I am using idevice
  16. Yeah I just said that
  17. If it ain't on iDevice just delete app and re-install it. It seems to have worked for most players trying this
  18. 220 mith blown. Only for the helm to reset to 3 -_-
  19. devs pls look into the idevice problem