Re: Updated Splash Screen Glad to see an update in a place where updates arent fully focused on. Good job and waiting for more fun updates
Re: Updated Splash Screen Anybody else think that the new girl looks like a German masculine woman named Helga?
Re: Updated Splash Screen Ppl stop complaining!! Its a sexy woman in a war game, if u see the movie king arthur, u will see that half dressed women r crazy fighters
Re: Updated Splash Screen Ppl also conplained bout this game being boring cuz ways of ebs took over. Now devs r bringing war back to kaw. So lay off the devs and instead give helpful ideas, not bash them.
Re: Updated Splash Screen Im back gonzo is back ya need me wall or folliw me ill hit spy anything no matter wat these stats are it dont mayter so yea
Re: Updated Splash Screen I read half the post so far and I must agree the new pic is horrible. I haven't said anything about changing it b4 but if u do god please find something better this is terrible looks like xena on crack and very abused. Seriously my 10 yr old could draw a better pic
Re: Updated Splash Screen And for further advice any of u that said she is hot sexy or ect needs to step away from video games and get a rl gf cause that's just disgusting.
Re: Updated Splash Screen How can i get introduced to her? I want to marry her. Just fantastic! Oh yes, comments about the screen as a whole... Higher definition, better depth, i really liked it! Congratulations!
Re: Updated Splash Screen Devs, thank you for the update with the new splash screen. Changes are allways wellcome, but changes are not a good thing as definition. Shortly, this new art picture is really really poor. More nudity doesn't transalate on more quality. @whoiswhiningaboutcriticism: we'r here to give feedbacks, not servilism
Re: Updated Splash Screen Lmao. Is the person that designed this splash screen the boss of ATA and everyone was too scared to speak up and tell em it was hideous? I don't understand how they could look at this and decide it was good enough. Or does droid have limitations? And why does the woman have a male torso, jaw, and hands? Perhaps you're trying to steer away from sexualising the woman, but if you're going to make her look manly, then you're better off just creating a male.
Re: Updated Splash Screen How much more feedback is needed before you change the artwork? This picture is so juvenile, I feel awkward loading the game in public. My automatic assumption of a person when I see a screen like this loading on their phone is "desperate, lonely pervert who needs the Lord." Whether that be the case or not, it stinks to have that stigma cast on all who play this game.
Re: Updated Splash Screen What they should do is create a person wearing the top armor fighting moutos or some unknown creature >_\\
Re: Updated Splash Screen How on earth is that a mans torso? This is getting beyond a joke, granted it could have a little more detail but there is noting wrong with the women's appearance, it's a warrior, not a runway model. The people saying she's half naked, she's wearing the exact same outfit as the current splash screen girl. To the people saying they feel like pervs, why do you care what some stranger looking at your phone thinks? What are they even doing looking at your phone in the first place? Why are you looking at strangers phones judging them on their splash screens? Grow up.