History of the Osiris vs Ya_Judgment_fi (part 2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    To me this leads me to believe a lot of LB players are just buying there way up and boasting on how cool they are. :roll:
  2. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    nice thread
  3. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    Mew. Of course that's the way it is. Laoda, Redstar, Romeo: these are all accounts they bought off other people with cold hard cash. Some LB accounts have sold for over 5000 USD, and a creation of a new lb account requires an investment of anywhere from 30000 to 50000 USD spread over about a year.
  4. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    Thanks for the read. Not all accurate, but none the less alot of fun!
  5. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    The name Judgment came as an inspiration when the founder of the clan (fondly called as pinko) was reading the Bible. It was originally meant as a retirement clan, not a war clan as it is now, and is for those who do not seek to rise in ranks any further, but to chat with KaW friends and at best continue in the game for the sake of social interaction. :lol:

    Some additional history to add to this thread:
    Eventually, Pinko got even more tired of KaW, and left the running of the clan to DG. DG sold his account, with at least 14T, to one of the LB players, for a handsome sum and continued as jet_lee. It turned into a war clan and remain as one now. DG is a doctor, and is currently busy wrapping up a medical research that will benefit old folks, and preparing for a medical trip to Africa to treat African children, so he's not playing at the moment. Such a noble act is of course much more important than KaW. :p

    Now you know why we say most of us are retired or semi-retired. ;)
  6. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    Oh?  What a completely unbiased addition to the story! A noble doctor doing research for old folks and then heading off to the jungles of Africa to help the children... Wow.....how unimportant all the rest of us must feel now...You keep selling it Apple! And we will keep buying...Yafi is like a group of homemade super heroes! You guys are awesome!
    I'm no Nobel Peace Prize winning Doctor or anything, so please forgive my stupidity but i could not figure out the corelation you are trying to make between the Doctor and the rest of you? How does his actions make you all retired or semi-retired? Are you all the old folks? Or the Children? Or are you all going to Africa to help with the children? I don't get it...
    Didn't you swear up and down in another thread that you NEVER said you were retired (even though you posted it on your own wall...)? Yes...i believe that thread is still there...its the one where you freaked out and screamed out to the Devs like a Keebler elf on fire....
  7. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    Thanks for your post that is of typical Osiris fashion -- perfectly illogical, off topic, and contributes nothing to the thread topic itself :lol:

    And by the way, my words are "most of us are retired" in the earlier post. But I guess you can't read well, and attempt to twist words in your typical Osiris way . No worries bro, I will definitely forgive your stupidity in your entire post.

    Also, I have already pointed out to you earlier, I was complaining on the words "pillow talk" and how I took offence at it. From your reply now, I guess it is easy to follow that you have no qualms about any strangers having pillow talk with your mum. ;) Being Asian, I'm sorry to say I can't reconcile with your beliefs and culture :cool:
  8. Re: History of the Osiris vs Yafi/Judgement (part 2)

    Now you know why we say most of us are retired or semi-retired.?
  9. Note: The thread has been renamed in accordance to _Appleseed_'s request
  10. Many of you have read this forum thread about the history of Osiris and the Yafi war. It is an excellent read and fairly accurate. However, they left out an important part:

    The Story Behind The Story:
    There was indeed an imbalance of power in KAW, strongly favoring Osiris and certain other clans. The devs were losing customers and new players in KAW were disheartened by the imbalance and impossibility of ever rising to the strength of the PWar era monsters that controlled their territories. What could they do? These were paying customers that had spent thousands on the game. But if they didnt do something soon, their app would lose it's momentum of growth and revenues as new players stopped joining just to become cannon fodder. ATA discussed this problem with their investor group, YCombinator. An Ambassador Investor at YCombinator, suggested, as a solution, teaming ATA with a small software consulting firm (also funded by YCombinator) he co-founded that specialized in Android and iPhone App Development Services. This company was perfect match since they were small and their independent employee group is each in different areas of the world. This companies name? YAFI, You Asked For It. (www.yafiyouaskedforit.com)
    This small group was brought in as the equalizer to level the playing field in KAW. They were given access to accounts that had been taken for violations of the TOU, dev supplied funds and crystals and went out to use the highly chaotic and emotional turmoil in the KAWmunity to set things right. This small group was easily able to slide into the emotional turmoil using those accounts and guide a clan into existence. By stripping out big players, disrupting big clans, and cowing the LB players that used to hold sway, they slowly made progress to leveling the playing field in KAW. Some mergers were made and other members joined and left, just like any clan, but the core YAFI employees remained. (After all, its a part of their job). Of course, the other players were, and many still are, completely oblivious to this group and their association with ATA. By using dev supplied financial resources and crystals, plus a dev supplied knowledge of build and strip mechanics and dev supplied knowledge of player online status, they were an unstoppable force. After all, every clan in KAW can't hold them down if all they need is to do is xstal at will and act for a strip or EB, or other action.
    Nobody is saying, or has ever said, that all of YAFI is part of this group. Nobody is saying that anyone in that group knows about this, other than the ones to which it refers. The original group was very successful at what they were originally intended to be. Like any company with a contract for services, over time they have found other ways to make themselves useful to ATA. They generate a war propaganda that overlays the EB-driven, profitable, essence of the game. They generate funds by stripping out players that are known nobility buyers in order to get them to rejuvenate their purchasing. They force big clans to stagnate their members growth in long wars so that the members will subsidize the loss of growth with xstal and nob purchases. Also, in perpetuating these long wars, they deplete the banks of large clans (the equalizer portion) and force the clans to subsidize with nobs for strip funds (the income generation portion). Yes, their way of warring is a methodology that is completely unique and Yafian. And this is why.
    There is tons of in-game history here, but none of it reflects the out of game history that has massively impacted KAW. Not all strips were done from YAFI (the company, not the clan). Of course, Judgement brought their Chile funds. but those funds are long since depleted. They are known to move around, and they have many accounts. Strips are announced in CA. Banks are not divulged and neither are sources.
    Now you can see all the yafians chime in on this (if it isn't deleted already), but the bottom line is that not a single one has been banned for verified violations of the TOU warranting bans despite screen shots and hundreds od emails to support. Yafi members have made death threats, openly posted Osiris members real names and addresses(in a threatening manner to show they knew), claimed to be funded by ATA in screen shots (someone let the secret out), claimed TO BE ATA (recently), all screen shotted and submitted with no results. The devs are quick to ban, silence and tear down builds on those fighting Yafi. And mysteriously, Yafi knows within minutes about a ban, block, or silence and is ready to act.
  11. Good story,post ss or it never happened
  12. That link :| really good piece of evidence or a weird coincidence.
  13. Look like a telecom conpany to me
  14. Telecom company*
  15. Watch this account and see how fast it gets blocked and torn down....the screen shots are on another app...
  16. Hunter- follow me <_<
  17. You mean you are going to tear down your own build, then claim we tear it down? :lol:
    By all means go ahead, I support you :lol:

    Honestly, if you ask me, I don't believe Postal. He can't be trusted at all.
    Too bad his lie was exposed by me. ;)
  18. Every time I waste few minutes to read those threads I realise I could've spared those minutes to grab an ice cold beer instead.

    Full of n00blets kids, who use the www and their mighty copy paste to delude us that their some how mature or intelligent .... But yet again all that you succeed in is fooling yourself and your clanmates just for that little bit of positiveness in their morale during this osw which clearly without words being needed to be thrown around in here humiliated and sent most of you into the hide....

    And as for my dearest brothers and sisters in this thread , please do not waste a breath never mind a minute replying nor reading those funny comics and just simply communicate back with a level that suits both their intellectual and social skill.... And after seconds of shallow thinking while sipping a nice cold beer I finally came out with the only method of communication with those wubbits.... Whack... Whack again later... And as for forums .... Just point and laugh
  19. Lol lord is a little full of himself. Almost as much as I am.
  20. What's this doing back in active topics btw? 