The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. [URL=
  2. Yes now the world can know I have been proclaimed teh awesumz
  3. I think my time's coming to an end. KaW's dead to me, and the one reason I ever stayed is just about collapsed. Hell, I haven't wanted to write anything in a while.
  4. Ditto Cheese.
    I'm just writing up my leaving post.
    Should be gone by tomorrow.
  5. Advice from me. Don't have friends in real life who play this game. They slipped some kawcaine in my drink and look where it's left me. Right back where I started
  6. To whom it may concern,
    How is it going? In case you haven't heard or can't read, I am InsaneParadox. But this is probably the last you'll see me.

    I, InsaneParadox, resign from Kingdoms at War. I can no longer play this game, the forums are dead and last place I care for has been destroyed.
    Every time I open KaW, I have difficulties, I have to force myself to do so. I've long since hit a brick wall with growth, nothing entertains me, grabs my attention, does anything.
    This next segment probably won't concern you but nobody on KaW knows of my story so I might as well tell of the great tedium.

    T'was September 2010, and a still excited child was playing an app know as 'Godfinger'. Now this child wanted more 'mana' for his game and saw his chance, a shiny thing was telling him that he could get this mana for free! All he had to was download an app known as 'Kingdoms at War'.
    And so a naïve young person started their adventure into the world of KaW.

    After dutifully doing the tutorial he was greeted by a text box asking him to type in his desired username, a few minutes of thinking, Bleedinglips started his adventure.

    The first clan I joined was called The Crimson Knights, I don't have much memory of this clan but it seemed nice. Then came a wall post from my owner named 'Goli' to join a clan named 'STEALTH'.

    Here I met great people and learnt much of what I know. I made good friends with people like Ash58201, Noneticus, Bella.

    Now during one Saturday in October you yanks had your 'Daylight Savings' (a week late), and time system on KaW messed up. Messages being sent -5000 seconds ago, a five minute regen taking an hour. T'was then that I discovered the forums. People freaking out left right and centre about time messing up, a marriage? This was all a little too much for my Saturday brain so I left the forums untouched for a while.

    I also stepped into that dreadful world of plunder wars.
    I'm not going to lie, I'll just tell it as it is; I plunder war'd… A lot. But during my time in STEALTH I never grew that much, I remained T2 with about 10 lands.
    And so I reset, I hit a brick wall with KaW. I would reset, find a clan and after a day or two I'd get bored and reset.
    This reset, grow a tiny bit, reset cycle continued for about a month when I decided to go back to my roots.

    I reset and named myself 'Dead-angel' and joined the sub clan of STEALTH known as Stealth Attackers. To this date, SA has been favourite clan, even better than Blitz's writers clan (more reference later). In SA I met some of my favourite people on KaW; Snr, figone, PurpleSphinx, Callumbeast(2), Bradthesoulstealer to name a few. I also made some enemies, I'm not going to name any names *cough*TheSupremeDreadlordSeangarstonetc.*cough*

    It was during December that I stumbled across FF. For some unknown reason I had wound back up on the forums and since FF was in AT at the time; t'was not hard to locate the threads, no matter how strange.

    Then SA started to fall and Dread thought that he could revive it with his own series of clans know as The Dreadlords. It was… a failure. It lasted about a month but I couldn't settle in, so I moved back to a ruined SA, Brad was still there with a friend known as Christhemasterful. I met two newbs; Roisin(some random numbers here, seriously, why does everyone use random numbers?) and bellabella4ever. I still remember the time I was told that having 250mil did not connote being broke, apparently I was rich.

    Then I was invited to pwar with my owner at the time called roaiot, great owner, wish you were still using me as your slave.

    After staying there for a month or so, snr invited me to a pwar at Armageddon where I plundered for two months or so, mith was then implemented as were EBs, plunder wars no longer contined but I still stayed in Arma. That was until I made a joke.

    Desire12 was asking the where abouts of people in a friendly manner so I jokingly say, "Bit creepy no? Might be a pedo xP"
    I get one or two 'lol's but when she replies, turns out I've started a **** storm. She's all angry, I'm apologizing when whoop de doo, CrimsonCloak comes on a kicks me. Everyone thinks I've left in rage, I'm getting abuse left right and centre, several Arma members get silenced and I move to CoS.

    Here I meet great friends, CoS-Kirby, Nom, Dilly, CoS-Kromson to name a few. But then mod stuff happens to Dilly and he leaves, his heir, CoS-Wiz…
    This is where things go downhill. See me and Wiz never got along, he was cocky, making snide remarks about anything I said. Then he threatens CoS, "open it up more." was his reasonings. Then I get a repeat of Arma, Wiz goes psycho, Kromson goes psycho and I go psycho. I leave and move along to Blitz's clan.

    Unfortunately for me, I was too broke/lazy to change from CoS-Paradox to just -Paradox-, however I lived.

    Blitz made me admin, all was fine and dandy aside from Feather's occasional debate, then Blitz has his quit situation. Whole clan shut down, some people going inactive etc.
    So me and Feather start 'Writer's Last Refuge', I still remember our debate over the name; you even made a thread Feather xD.

    Anyways, **** happened then closed down, Cheese and Feather argue, I quit briefly (not like that this time), nothing really happened.

    But then Choco came along. After just floating around for about six months or so. A newb came to Fan Fic, one under the username "Bright-Side-Of-The-Moon". Pfft, meant nothing to me; life continued. But then under the username "SR-Candidus" **** got interesting. This newcomer was all mysterious, all "I won't like me if you remembered old me."
    Being a curious person I wall them with this message, "What was your old username?
    Who were you?
    I promise not to tell anybody :3"

    After some faffing about with PM we get talking, talking about crazy ****. We form a bond (hold your ahhs, actually scrap that, you have none; chances are you aren't reading this), but it's just friendship (NOT friendzone'd… Yet.)

    She threatens to leave; fine, I'll just get her email. Cool done, but then in the middle of August, Valve are all like "Have a free 75% on Portal 2 voucher, be warned, ENDS IN 10 DAYS!"
    So I send her this, and we Skype, just to test if we were to do multiplayer.
    After an INCREDIBLY awkward first call, we do it again; an hour later xD

    This continues for the rest of the summer holidays, Choco never did get Portal 2 (still annoyed at you) but that's just how the cookie crumbles. So into the term we go, we should Skype less right? Wrong, we Skype just as much.

    So about a month later, bond is still there…
    I asked her out.

    Still stings like ******* ****.

    Anyways, that's just about all the interesting in my KaW story, onto mentions then misc.

    I'll start with clans,

    STEALTH - Whilst in later life you turned to ****, you're still a great clan. Goli, None, Bella; I'll never forget.

    Stealth Attackers - Thank you for all the fun times. First and second time round you were great, bucket of laughs.

    Armageddon - Whilst most of you still hate me, that means you, Dapp, Mrsdarkvader, Boba etc. I still had some good times, even if it was just hitting a guy spamming the spacebar.

    Conclave of Shadows - Great times, never relocated you Kirby, Kromson, why you no talk?
    Dilly, shouldn't have quit, you're still my second favourite mod of all time (first being Mems)
    Nom, same goes for you; you were a great friend, shouldn't have quit.

    Both Writer's clans - Good times, funny conversations and great story conversing. Shame it never lasted.
    Long live Blitz.

    Now people worth my time.

    Amber - We had our laughs, even of you killed me a lot.
    And will do so, March next year with 32 stab wounds with a purple ballpoint pen.

    Brad - You were one of the best, funny, relatable, always failing to make PB *ampersand* J. You told me of great bands and vice versa.

    Snr - Despite our fallout you are still a great man, shame to see you go.

    Callum - Not sure what's up with your activity but you'll always be my rookie. You still never told me how you met Stora but ah well.
    I should have saved up to by you back when Zaln and Blitz stole you.

    Fan Fiction mentions.

    Feather - We hated each other, many a time I got angry at you, no great man without a nemesis eh? I'll be honest, I never read your stories, love you (no homo) mwah.

    Cheese - I'll miss you, still have you on Steam, don't forget to talk to me time to time. You were a great brony and writing pal. Sorry I couldn't make it to Bronycon 2K12, I'll be there next year. Just you wait xP

    Stora - Although you'll never read this. Just know that you were the best of us. You were the idea writer, fair and kind. Supportive, wrote great stories (you mad Feather?) and most importantly, FTLoC. I can tell you how we came up with FTLoC but it's not a dreadfully interesting story. I'll never forget the the laughs that came with our story, shame I never finished it. Commitment issues I guess :3

    Irin - I never really knew you, always a slippery one. But you made the thread that made me. Thank you so much for the Café.
    I did get the time to sit down and read Innocence, great story; loved it.

    Blitz - Thanks for the clan. Not sure what else to write.
    So have a waffle.

    And finally, Choco.
    Not sure what to put here, you won't read this but neither will Stora or Snr.
    I guess I can still talk to you, unlike the other two named above.

    Thank you for the shits and giggles. Never forget, lubs you. And yes, I don't give two shits all of the forums can read this.

    Final section.
    If you're actually still reading, here's my deal. I shall come back this time in 7 days. Leave a message on my wall saying if you want my email, steam or both.
    I shall then follow you, you have 24 hours to follow back, if you do, I shall give you what you request on my wall.

    Peace **** lords.

    - Paradox.
  7. Well FFs going to ****
  8. There's like no one left from when I joined tis sad and why did I never get storas email
  9. Ahh. Kind of pointless to come back now, after that **** load of whatever the hell. I've got your email, Skype, Steam, and whatever else already, I don't even know why I'm here. Guess I was a little curious.

    Yeah, I'm still crumbling a little. That **** hurt like ****. Anyone remember the whole PIMD blubbering suicide story? Yeah, 'round then a dear friend of mine, you know. And stuff. I'm surviving.

    Anyways, I don't really know the point of coming back, I don't know why my old clan lets me stay, I don't know a lot of things. Eh, whatever. I guess... That was sweet, Para-kitten. Thanks.
  10. Well, my story's up. Hoping for the best
  11. See this is what I miss why didn't I get to know people like you better bright.(think that's what you said people could call you) anyway the only person I got to know well stora leaves and I don't even ask for an email to chat with or something. I'm so stupid.

    Anyway dearly beloved we gather here to say our goodbyes goodbye para. Ff will miss you and you shall be remembered.
  12. Anyway now that I'm thinking about it anybody on ff have storas email or like a steam account?
  13. R.I.P. Para. Hope to see you soon, though probably not.

    Sad face...:(
  14. You'll see me around, Ty. As for the whole Bright situation, it's not one I'm entirely comfortable with. I still kind of hate my whole Phoenix/Lunar/Bright persona, despite being in ThunderClan again.

    I miss Stora. I had her name on a different game, but... Meh. Wonder if she still plays.
  15. Oh sorry and yeah I can't believe I was so stupid didn't even get an email to a steam or something. I miss stora so much was pretty much the main reason I played this game. Anyway what would you like me to call you?