Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. You lose them when you reset.
  2. How do i tell how strong i am? Or what my cs is
  3. Look at your "Stats to allies"
    Then get the 4 numbers and add them up.
    *Dont add the stuff from your allies,just the stuff to your allies*
  4. Right now you have about 12,000 CS
  5. Can someone be silenced for death threat?

    Take a look at my wall
  6. Yes. Report to a mod or dev.
  7. That's not a death threat as much as it is a saying.. But it will just depend on each mods opinion
  8. Ha! And as I predicted Moose didn't see it as a credible threat
  9. :?: how do i make myself a better hansel? right now im all guilds and a lvl3 sub factory :?:

    Thanks- LT :D
  10. @LT:
    Upgrade your guilds to level four. Also, swap your subterranean factory for a level three circle of Elementals.
  11. And I have a question of my own.

    Which in someone's opinion is easier to hit: Ambush or No Man's Land? Thanks :)
  12. Keep with the guilds until 25 lands before changing your Sub fact to a lvl 3 CoE, when your highlands cost is more expensive than a max CoE.

    Make sure all guilds are lvl 4 first. Then build more guilds until your lands cost more than 26b, at which point convert your T4 to a T5 attack build and change your highlands to volaries.
  13. Ambush is easier to hit by far
  14. Thank you very much
  15. thanks senorita and hades :cool:
  16. Does estoc influence equipment drops or just items?
  17. Just a simple question. Are PWars still around and going? I have not seen one in forever.
  18. Nope, PWars dont exist :)