Growing Technique

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TFB_Deluxe, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Can anybody make a forum designed especially for people go have JUST joined, no money or anything and show them how to grow really really fast because I'm not great at growing fast and I'm SICK of hearing noobs on WC "how do I grow fast, hire me hire me, NEEEEEED MONEEEEEEY" etc so PLEASE HELP
  2. Why don't you make it?
  3. There would be no purpose for it since most new players don't discover forums straight away and that thread would always be buried.
  4. As I previously said I'm a slow grower myself so it could help me a little to aswell and please make this because someone needs to and it would do me a favour a well
  5. Hmmm...
    I have an idea. It's called Battle list!

    I guess ebs help you grow too :)
  6. That doesn't help someone with 600 cs overall...
  7. They can havea read of that thread, I think its a pretty good starters guide.
  8. @DeadlySin- Brilliant! I was gonna say that too haha :D
  9. :lol: I would make a thread but I hate spam...
  10. Is there any way AT ALL ATA can un-reset me PLEAAAAASE tell me
  11. hahahaha no.
  12. Un-reset?

    Like I said hit ebs and hit battle list. Join an active clan. :)
  13. No I mean put me back to when I was 1mill cs
  14. Impossible. It was your choice to reset. Just do what you did before to grow
  15. ATA would never do it because I could reset and then say I was 2mil CS. Not gunna happen.
  16. But I was 1mill I even have a screenshot of my builds
  17. Like I said it was your choice to reset. :ugeek:
  18. Shall I reset and start over or stay at my stats?
  19. It WARNS you and asks if you are SURE that it is what you want to do
  20. Why reset again? So you can complain more •_•