So...I have 2 attack buildings because I haven't destroyed my CoE sine T5s came out. I am going to destroy it but I want to know the benefits or it makes any difference if you 1 or 2 buildings. Does it change the mechanics or something? Kinda a dumb question but I am just curious.
A volley is when you and another player, or two other players hire you or an ally between themselves to give each other and that ally some gold.
It doesnt make a difference. Id convert 2 though just so you can hit higher eb's and stronger players easier.
Thanks, also your banner says your in search of a war clan, my clan S W A T is more then likely doing them this weekend.
To be completely honest..I don't even remember what that stands for let along if war or not. Time on wars is winding down and if someone couldn't find one that would suck.