Is the scouting stage on NML still 280k? I thought it was 28k...but I have not done one in a while, so what do I know?
How exactly do defensive pots work? Is it one at a time or combination of all at once. For example, if attacked (steal/assasinate) would only your highest level pot be utlized in defense or all available (owned) pots be used in conjuction for maximum defense? Thanks
How exactly do defensive pots work? Is it one at a time or combination of all at once. For example, if attacked (steal/assassinate) would only your highest level pot be utilized in defense or all available (owned) pots be used in conjunction for maximum defense? Thanks
Sorry about the double post. In addition, if doing the beta war is it better to max out on the most expensive defensive pot or buy some of all?
All pots will be used. Sometimes though, if some pots aren't needed to successfully defend then they won't be wasted. I would buy some of all. You will have a better chance at defending.
Each individual attack by opponent burns pots from most expensive to least. A combination of def pots is more effective than one single expensive. If you are trying to "budget" for a beta war, best to stock up on the original pots (spy def 1-9 or att def 1-11) As opposed to a limited number of high cost pots. But, if gold is not an issue buy all of them.
1)You have to be 18 or older. No exceptions. 2)I would have played over a year at least before even considering applying. 3) Read Wulf's KaW Moderators guide. I just bumped it up for you, so now it's in Active Topics. 4) Send your email to with your username and say that the game is KaW. Write the email according to Wulf's moderator guide.
I feel this is more appropriate then making a thread for it Hello people who had the ambition to see who posted a question in THE OFFICIAL QUESTION THREAD. Well do I have the question for you! WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR BELOVED FORUMS?!? I mean seriously guys a significant amount of our most important forum figureheads have forsaken us! They are all retiring and is there nothing we can do to stop it? Our forums are being besieged by threads that no one cares about(guess what..trolls can't say this because its not a thread just a post TROLOLOLOLOLO)I mean I am a hardcore lurker,I read a ton of threads and I rarely post. I CAN'T LURK IF THERE'S NOTHING INTERESTING TO LURK! And seriously that's like all that's left is nothing. There are some great posts every once in a while but besides that there's very few interesting things on the forums. BUT there is hope my friends! Since there are not many big forumers left, we can reshape the forums into the new KaWs image! A land of SQUIDS,GHOSTS,TREES and fittingly enough DRAGONS. Viva la revolution. That was partially a joke and a truth we can change the forums. But not exactly like that I think that's enough for today.. There is little help for this to me seen so If someone wishes to make a thread about this topic go a head.I probably have a full regen in me EB TL;DR what happened to the forums? it gosh....
It's been overrun by noobs and question threads. You did the right thing by asking here. A lot less annoying... Bottom line: Active Topics are full of garbage that people don't find very interesting or they find annoying. Once in a while, there will be a funny thread or something interesting, but noobs have invaded with total disrespect, and have made all these crappy junk threads.
Wait...a sensible person on the forums.... THIS CAN'T BE just kidding there's a few good people. But it seems that we see eye to eye on this issue. And at least one person saw my post I thought no one would see it lol