There have been a rumor about this youtube video of "Gangnam Style" will beat justin bieber "baby" views on youtube. People have been viewing "Gangnam Style" videos to help beating bieber's views on youtube. Gangnam Style is currently holds the World Record for Most Liked Video in Youtube History If gangnam beats bieber views, he WILL recieved another WR!!! Now, for those of you who jates JB, we need all your help to keep viewing Gangnam Style videos on Youtube!! So one day PSY will earn another WR and Gangnam Style will be the most viewed video
Well Gangnam style if popular on YouTube so this result, PSY will get the most viewed YouTube in the record! He nearly has over 1b views within certain amount of months, to me I'm not a Justin bieber fan nor I like the songs, so who ever gets to 1b views is a winner for my eyes
happy that psy is very close to beating JB. Howeve I DONT believe that psy is qorthy enough of reacing 1bil.. there are other artist out there that have been gd for many years (eg Eminem, Rhianna) i think these ppl deserve credit for their hard work...
Wow! There must be alot of under 16 year olds on this planet as both of these clips are for really small brains!!!!!!!
This is nothing really to celebrate! Except the apes will rule this planet sooner than we think due to the human brain listening to this dribble!!