Personally I would go with hansel and pure spy for war. Hansels have fast growth and earn faster so you can repot and grow quickly in peace time, and you can always revert to pure spy if you get stripped or want to war.
What causes ones icon to turn yellow? I made a blog upgrade & when I when back to clan, presto change-o?
Okay,Yes I did turn in nobility pts. It just took awhile b-4 it changed, n right after bldg upgrade. Lol threw me off
You can either create a new clan, or email the developers very nicely at and request that they change it. But, this too costs 25 bil.
@Hnsar :mrgreen: Been a while since I've seen you. But are you sure about that? When I had ~150k spy attack, I only failed a few times on TGL. And I don't even have that big of BFA
I just reset but did not recv an item. This was my first reset so I thought I would. Have the requirements for a reset changed? Thanks for your help!