Device Transfers Disabled - Nov 6th 10pm - Nov 9th 10pm

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Re: Device Transfers Disabled - Nov 6th 10pm - Nov 8th 10pm

    I think that a timer which shows you the remaining time of your knock out would be really useful and a great improvement for the estoc wars
  2. Re: Device Transfers Disabled - Nov 6th 10pm - Nov 8th 10pm

    Maybe need to allow now more than 5 transfers. Honestly over the years you're gonna do a few transfers. Keep up with the times devs
  3. Can you xfer btwn iphone and samsung galaxy siii?
  4. Trying to link comp account to iPod but it says I can't do it manually??? Why?
  5. it's now noon PST on the 10th. cmon devs when are we gonna be able to transfer??
  6. Anyone else still having issues with this?
  7. Yes.

    At least give us an update and let us know what is going on.
  8. I'm having problems, too. Hoping this gets fixed soon.
  9. I've been trying to transfer for days now and miss being on my main account. I have sent so many emails to the devs still no joy.
  10. Attempt #20, no luck.... Any update?
  11. Should be ok now used device transfer page with success
  12. how do I link my Facebook account to this iPhone?
  13. No luck with the transferring from my Atrix to my iPhone. Devs said they'd fix er up, nothing so far.
  14. I used the form and it gave me an error then apparently worked for an hour rebooted phone back to my new account and can't login to my original account on my old device asks to create another character.
  15. My other account HTE-LORDALT-HTEis not working through monchi coins
  16. I would like my old bugs bunny45 act back how do I go about it
  17. So if this account is syncd with Facebook when I get "new" refurbished phone-both are android- if I'm logged in to Facebook on new device and download and open kaw I will be able to use this account?