Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Too Long ; Didn't Read
  2. to long ; didn't read
  3. @Sam, well report him for me , Im to lazy
  4. What does IMO stand for? It's one of those few things I'm too embarrassed to ask, lol.
  5. in my opinion you should be embarrassed.
  6. Why is froststar's name black?

  7. :(
    I am.
    Whenever I see it I think "I Must Admit", but then I realize that doesn't make sense.
    This happens EVERY time.
  8. I don't know... It was in a thread somewhere
  9. Pg 29 in 2010 I think...
  10. Posted in 2010 I think
  11. Will there ever be a log in log out option for kaw on cell phones?
  12. no kaw is based on your unique device identifier, or a udid which is obviously unique to your device. do not give out your udid or people will hack your phone. also you can log out on comp but you can not have more than one computer account.

    so no, you wont be able to log out with out jailbreaking and if you get more accounts on an iphone through this method you wil be banned.
  13. why would you need one?

    also...why am i so out of the loop?
  14. [​IMG]

    I only got 1 inferno...? Anyone else notice?
  15. How do I report a clan and one of it's members for un necessary farming and stripping?
  16. Farming and/or stripping isn't against the tou.

    Farm and strip that member back ;)