IMO, I don't see what makes Bronze Bars special, I mean so what you can just buy 2 blizzards/sell 2 blizzards and you get exactly the same. Only thing is that BBs drop from EB
Re: Bank in Pots ? The items listed in the marketplace are commonly known as "pots". Banking in pots is buying these pots so that you have no gold out, so the large number by the coin sign on the home page is as close to 0 as possible.
It's estocs edge. It gives a plunder and eb drop increase from winning a beta war. You can't cast it in the alchemist, it only shows up in active spells
Hey guys, I'm a hansel with about 33 lvl4 Guilds and 1 T3 Defense building. I recently upgraded my T3 to a T4 mixed (not attck or defense) and my plunder dropped from 19mil a hit on ambush to 18.3. Can anyone explain this? I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
:lol: I was just kidding panic. Got it from winning the Estoc's Edge beta war with MG. We get the bonus for two weeks. 15% bonus to plunder and drops in ebs.