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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I have had reset my mobile how do i get my acct back on the same mobile
  2. You can't if you've reset.
  3. How much bonus does the mith spell veil of darkness (purple one) give? It cuts off on my android device and I cant see it. Couldnt find a guide in the stickies though im pretty sure one exhists.
  5. Nope it doesn't yay I win 2 bill lol
  6. Nvm, I found the sticky
  7. What gives better plunder, a level 1 T5 or a level 3 T4?
  8. I have lvl 4 guilds T3 should I skip T4 and build a lvl 1 T5 would I make more money?
  9. ^ Better on stats n better on plunder y or no?
  10. That depends. How fast can you earn 25b? If its pretty fast then go straight to T5, if its slow then id go for the T4 lvl 3.
  11. 2 days. But do you make more per hit? And does it give u better stats than a lvl 3 T4
  12. Better stats and plunder, yes.
  13. ok now their are no eb items that give plunder bonus, but can the bonus stats that eb items give you effect your max plunder level?
  14. No they don't.
  15. If I remember correctly, on pc pro packs are purchasable by nobility. So if you bought the $50 pack on your phone, got the 500 nobs, then went on pc could you use those nobs to buy OTHER pro packs?
  16. Yes that is correct
  17. Interesting ;) essentially getting 2 for the price of 1.... Ill have to remember that...