Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What r bronze bars for
  2. Have you not read the last 10 posts on this thread??????
  3. Is it legal according to the TOS and TOU if you have an account on one device, but you never use it on that device, can you use UDiD faker or something to access that legal account remotely?
  4. No.

    What you can do is, access that account from PC.

    Accessing many accounts from one device (unless a PC with many iDevices linked) is a breach against ToU.

    By "device" I refer to Android/iDevice.
  5. No if you want to access that account you will need to transfer it to another device or link it to PC.
  6. Can you please quote the TOU as to why it is illegal?
  7. Pretty sure that's the one
  8. Yes.

    UDID fakers will get you IP banned.
  9. What does lmao mean?
  10. Laughing my ass off
  11. which forums section doesn't show up in active topics?
  12. Wow kat i didnt know that cool
  13. When you drop allies what is the % return?
  14. 4.5% on day one, 60% on day 15.
  15. I just noticed an interesting fact. Your regen time resets to the moment you use a xtal. Can anyone confirm that or am I just imaging it?
  16. Yes, I believe that is correct
  17. Yep. Noticed or as well.