Guild hansel, with how many guilds? I'm saying between 5-10b at the end depending on how many guilds and stuff like that
Oh-hell I know what a guild hansel is, I was saying it depends on how man lands he has and stuff like that.
i know when u skim spies on an eb u gain better plunder. does it work the same if u skim troops as well? yea i asked an eb question,come at me :lol:
Since an attack build's plunder drops each hit, they would make more from doing two hit regen. If you have a significant amount of attack buildings and your plunder drops quite a bit, yes. Hansels don't really need to because their plunder doesn't drop all that much.
From doing Epic Battles that drop it. Different Epic Battles drop different pieces. To see which one drops which refer to Wulf's guide under strategy.
Here is Aranthorn was talking about, epic battles and equipments spoiler by wulf, will answer you're questions about the ebs as what they drop.
Upon opening forums, click "Forums" then "Strategy" (for iDevice) or Click "Board Index" then "Strategy" (computer).
You need 3 accounts for this to work, you need to have account a and b and account c to hold all the gold so the account a and b can get them? But it's hard to do