@Yggdrasiler No they won't be getting anymore, they will actually have a lot less, it's like this: say someone bought 23, they will now only have 1. The Devs are taking back all the ones they got at a reduced rate and replacing them with a number that reflects the 30mil price. So for every 22.5 bars you have, you'll get 1 in return.
To add on to what Panic said above: I purchased 1000 bars last night (just in case). When KAW did the "exchange" I was left with 44 bars, and an extra 1.3 million. So no one who bought last night at the 1.33 mil price is getting anything extra.
They are the most expensive pot so players can bank large amounts of gold in them. Not sure why exactly 30m though.
I like how people are bitching about this "bank." It's the same thing as an attack pot, but You can't accidentally waste your bank on attacking people. And this is just a possible guess, but maybe "permanent" just means that it can't be used or taken from you, but you still lose it when resetting? I dunno, didn't someone test this yesterday?
Pretty much Jesus perm = still there after reset. I don't see any real downside to having them. Plus if they are given as possible rewards for events and ( wars ) all the better.
Im guessing this will be the reward for pinning people in wars as mentioned in the war mech change thread. Sounds good. That way bronze you earn in war is automatically banked, and your money isnt left out to be mega stolen from you in like 5 seconds.
So the Bronze Bars only uses are to bank and as rewards? Just wondering before we start putting billions into them. Are the return rates the same as pots? If so I'll still be banking in attack pots, if not you'll still lose same % cashing out on the bars every time you need to pot up.
So when your in a strip war will you have to start a system war in order to get rewards for pinning people? If thats the case then you guys should make a new duration of war that lasts forever until either one clan surrenders. Either that or just make the new changes also apply to the BL.
I rather buy att pot, if it has same return % as pots. Unless these bar will be used in war same as mith or other feature.
All u noobs that bought some deserve to loose your shirt. Hey I got a novel idea. Wait to find out what they are before stampeding to buy them.